
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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eCut Insert in Bipolar Coagulation Forceps

views: 2044 comments: 0

The use of an eCut insert in bipolar coagulation forceps in laparoscopic appendectomy will minimize your need for the use of a scissor every now and then to divide the coagulated segment of the mesoappendix....

Safe Use of Electrosurgery - an Overview

views: 4209 comments: 0

Electrosurgery refers to the cutting and coagulation of tissue using a high-frequency electrical current. Physicians using this technique must be knowledgeable about the prevention and management of potential...

Coagulation Cascade and Fibrinolysis - clotting...

views: 6286 comments: 2

The classic coagulation cascade is divided into the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways which both lead to what is called the common pathway. The hallmark of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of coagulation...

Colonoscopy: Transverse Colon Subtle Flat Lesion...

views: 4734 comments: 0

It is easy to miss this lesion if one has withdrawn the endoscope fast; hence I recorded the video to share and make a point to keep looking at all the walls of the colon during withdrawal. Injection:...


views: 4893 comments: 0

The video presented above shows an argon plasma coagulation (APC) of the base and edges of the lesion created after polyp resection. The APC is used to prevent delayed bleeding and to prevent the recurrence...

Colonoscopy - Radiation Telangectasia Ablation

views: 3674 comments: 0

The following video presents a case of an elderly man with the past medical history significant for prostate cancer and AF (atrial fibrilation) treated with anticoagulants. The patient was admitted to...

Endoscopic Resection of a Large Sigmoid Polyp...

views: 4097 comments: 0

This video presents a case of a patient who was referred for polypectomy of a large Paris O-Is 5 cm polyp in the sigmoid colon. Polyp was removed in retroflexion in the sigmoid. A submucosal vessel was...

EMFR of Large Flat Lesion in Rectum

views: 4305 comments: 0

Video presents a case of middle aged man with a large flat lesion in the rectum found on screening; referred to colorectal surgeon; planned for a laparotomy and colon resection; took a second opinion...

APC of Post-Irradiation Telangectasia in Rectum

views: 10564 comments: 1

Video presents a problem of rectal bleeding caused by post-irradiation teleangiectasia. Argon plasma coagulation treatment resulted in improvement in rectal bleeding by 80%. No more transfusions needed.

Ileocecal Valve: Flat Lesion - Snare

views: 6172 comments: 0

Video presents a management of flat lesion found on ileocecal valve. In this clip the third part of the treatment (snare tool) was shown.

Ileocecal Valve: Flat Lesion - Endoscopic Mucosal...

views: 6244 comments: 0

Video presents a management of flat lesion found on ileocecal valve. In this clip the second part of the treatment (endoscopic mucosal resection) was shown.

Ileocecal Valve: Flat Lesion

views: 5723 comments: 0

Video presents a management of flat lesion found on ileocecal valve. APC (argon plasma coagulation) of the edge was performed.

Blood Clotting - Coagulation Cascade 12/12 -...

views: 2105 comments: 0

In this video the author presents lecture on blood clotting - coagulation cascade. Watch more videos at

Blood Clotting - Coagulation Cascade 11/12 -...

views: 1917 comments: 0

The material presents lecture on blood clotting - coagulation cascade. Watch more videos at

Blood Clotting - Coagulation Cascade 10/12 -...

views: 1720 comments: 0

The author of this video presents lecture on blood clotting - coagulation cascade. Watch more videos at

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