bladder cancer
Resection of Small Bladder Tumor
This video shows a resection of small bladder tumor. Author of video is Charles Chabert.
Large Bladder Tumour
This video shows an endoscopic view of bladder cancer. Author of video is Charles Chabert.
Robotic Intracorporeal Neobladder Diversion
This video depicts robotic intracorporeal urinary diversion after cystectomy using the University of Southern California approach. Authors of video: Dr Mihir Desai, MD and Dr Michael Santomauro, MD
Robot-assisted Y-neobladder
This video demonstrates a technique for the intracoporeal creation of a robot assisted y-shaped neobladder after cystectomy. Authors: Jonathan N. Warner MD and Jeff Montgomery MD.
Robotic Cystectomy
This video is an informative animated presentation that explains in detail about robotic cystectomy. Manipal Hospitals is a certified pioneer in the Indian health-care industry for over 6 decades and...
Transurethral Resection Of Bladder Tumor (TURBT)...
The video presents transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) for bladder cancer. Video by Drs. Lee Ponsky and Matthew J. Maurice perform this procedure.
Female Cystectomy
Radical cystectomy may be the optimal treatment for bladder cancer for aggressive or recurrent disease. This technically demanding and complex surgery can now be performed using a minimally invasive,...
Radical Cystoprostatectomy - Prophylactic Prepubic...
The following video shows a prophylactic prepubic urethrectomy during radical cystoprostatectomy. In muscle-invasive bladder cancer, the risk of developing a urethral recurrence after cystectomy varies...
Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Urinary Diversion...
This material demonstrates a robotic-assisted laparoscopic intracorporeal urinary diversion.
Radical Robotic Cystectomy With Intracorporeal...
In the following material we can present a robot-assisted radical cystectomy with lymph node dissection and intracorporeal urinary diversion - part 1. Radical cystectomy is the gold-standard treatment...