free internal medicine lectures

Unlock the World of Internal Medicine: Free Video Lectures & Resources on MEDtube

Dive deep into the fascinating and ever-evolving field of internal medicine with MEDtube's extensive collection of free video lectures, surgical demonstrations, clinical case studies, and cutting-edge research presentations. Created by doctors for doctors, our platform offers a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and stay at the forefront of medical advancements. Explore the complexities of advanced heart failure therapies, master the art of primary care, and gain valuable insights into the latest breakthroughs in world medicine, all at your own pace and from the comfort of your own device.

Internal Medicine: A Cornerstone of Healthcare

Internal medicine, often referred to as general medicine, is the branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are skilled in managing a wide range of complex medical conditions, from common issues like hypertension and diabetes to more specialized areas such as advanced care planning and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Internal Medicine in the Modern Era

Modern internal medicine is characterized by its increasing specialization and focus on quality improvement in patient care. New technologies and treatment modalities are constantly emerging, requiring medical professionals to stay abreast of the latest developments. Key trends include:

  • Precision medicine: Tailoring treatment to individual patients based on their genetic makeup and specific risk factors.

  • Telemedicine: Utilizing technology to provide remote access to healthcare, particularly valuable for patients in rural areas or with limited mobility.

  • Integrative medicine: Combining conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary therapies to promote holistic health.

  • **Focus on prevention: Emphasizing lifestyle modifications and screening to reduce the incidence of disease.

MEDtube: Your Gateway to Free Internal Medicine Knowledge

MEDtube is a dedicated online platform where medical students and medical professionals can connect, learn, and share knowledge in a secure and collaborative environment. By creating a free account, you gain access to a vast library of internal medicine lecture series and other valuable resources, including:

  • Internal medicine videos covering a wide range of topics, from acid-base core lectures to grand rounds presentations.

  • Surgical demonstrations of common and complex procedures, allowing you to observe techniques and best practices.

  • Clinical case studies that provide real-world examples of diagnosis and management of various medical conditions.

  • Discussion forums where you can engage with colleagues, ask questions, and share your expertise.

Benefits of Joining MEDtube

  • Expand your knowledge: Access free internal medicine lectures and a wealth of other educational materials.

  • Stay up-to-date: Keep pace with the latest advancements in internal medicine and related fields.

  • Engage with colleagues: Connect with a global community of medical professionals.

  • Contribute to medical education: Share your own expertise by uploading videos and participating in discussions.

Explore Our Internal Medicine Video Library

Our comprehensive collection of internal medicine videos covers a broad spectrum of topics relevant to both medical students and seasoned physicians. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:


  • Cardiovascular Disease: In-depth lectures on the diagnosis, management, and prevention of various heart conditions, including lipid disorders, hypertension, and chest pain.

  • Advanced Heart Failure Therapies: Explore the latest advancements in the treatment of heart failure, including medical devices and innovative surgery techniques.

  • CV Prevention: Learn about effective strategies for prevention of cardiovascular disease, including lifestyle modifications and risk factor management.


  • Chronic Cough: Discusses the various causes of chronic cough, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options.

  • Asthma: A comprehensive overview of asthma, including clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Presented by a leading doctor, this video explores the genetic basis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of cystic fibrosis.


  • Diabetes: Lectures on the different types of diabetes, their complications, and management strategies.

  • Obesity: Examines the growing epidemic of obesity, its risk factors, and effective treatment approaches.

  • Acid-Base Core Lecture: A fundamental lecture on the concept of acid-base balance and its importance in medicine.


  • Common Issues: Addresses frequently encountered gastrointestinal problems, their symptoms, evaluation, and treatment.

  • Pain Management: Discusses various approaches to managing pain in patients with gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Surgery: Videos showcasing different surgical procedures commonly performed in gastroenterology.


  • Kidney Disease: Describes the different types of kidney disease, their clinical manifestations, and treatment options.

  • Hypertension: Explores the link between hypertension and kidney disease, and strategies for management.

  • Dialysis: Videos demonstrating different dialysis modalities and patient care considerations.

Infectious Disease

  • HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Provides an overview of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, its effectiveness, and patient counseling.

  • World Medicine: Discusses emerging infectious diseases and global health challenges.

  • Travel Medicine: Offers guidance on prevention and management of infectious diseases encountered during travel.

Mental Health

  • Depression: Lectures on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of depression in the primary care setting.

  • Bipolar Disorder: Explores the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of bipolar disorder.

  • Anxiety Disorders: Discusses the different types of anxiety disorders and their management.


  • Advanced Care Planning: Provides guidance on initiating and conducting advanced care planning discussions with patients.

  • Common Issues in Older Adults: Addresses the unique health challenges faced by older adults, including falls, cognitive decline, and polypharmacy.

  • Geriatric Syndromes: Describes common geriatric syndromes, such as frailty, delirium, and urinary incontinence.

Women's Health

  • Women's Health Issues: Lectures on common health concerns specific to women, including menopause, osteoporosis, and breast cancer screening.

  • Pregnancy and Childbirth: Covers various aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, including prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum care.

  • Gynecological Conditions: Discusses common gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

General Internal Medicine

  • Primary Care: Focuses on the role of the primary care physician in providing comprehensive and continuous patient care.

  • Healthcare Quality: Discusses the importance of quality improvement in healthcare and strategies for enhancing patient outcomes.

  • Medical Orders: Provides guidance on writing clear and concise medical orders.

Join the MEDtube Community Today

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to enhance your knowledge and connect with a global network of medical professionals. Create your free MEDtube account today and unlock a world of internal medicine resources at your fingertips.

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POCUS - Visually Estimating Cardiac Function

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 2139 comments: 0

Point of care ultrasound a.k.a. clinical ultrasound is different from consultative ultrasound. It is meant to answer very direct binary questions. When performing cardiac ultrasound one of the binary...

Fever 2 - Lectures for General Practitioners

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 1272 comments: 0

In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 2nd part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...

Fever 1 - Lectures for General Practitioners

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 1796 comments: 0

In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 1st part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...

Examination of Thyroid

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 4108 comments: 0

Physical examination of thyroid. A patient should be sitting with slightly extended neck. First part is inspection - the doctor needs to look at the both sides of thyroid gland. On inspection you can...

History taking in medicine in Hindi/Urdu part...

views: 2220 comments: 0

In this video I completely explain the History taking in internal medicine ward part 1 in Hindi Urdu but part 2 and part 3 is remaining to cover whole topic

History taking in medicine in English language...

views: 1684 comments: 0

In this video I completely explain the History taking in internal medicine ward in English language part 1 and this whole topic will be cover in four parts mean 4 videos

Evaluation of Brain Death

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 3479 comments: 0

Learning objectives in the video: - to know when to consult donor services; - to define brain death and differentiate it from severe brain damage; - to know components of clinical brain death evaluation,...

Interpretation of LFTs (Liver Function Tests)

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 2171 comments: 0

A review of the LFTs (AST, ALT, alk phos, GGT, albumin, INR, bilirubin), including etiologies of various derangements and common patterns suggestive of specific diagnoses. Video by Strong Medicine

Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 2844 comments: 0

In the video at the beginning there are reminded descriptive terms and various morphologies of skin lesions. Then speaker continuous with discussing some key organ systems and skin findings that may occur...

Diagnosing Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases/Pathology

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 3360 comments: 0

In this video there are shown oral manifestations of different diseases. Lip lesions may be a symptom of actinic keratosis or carcinoma. Pathologies inside the mouth involving teeth and gingivas may indicate...

Anticoagulation and thrombosis considerations...

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 2177 comments: 0

In this video MD Manila Gaddh talks about coagulopathies associated with COVID-19 and laboratory findings in these states, studies outcomes in this topic, connection between thrombosis and inflammation...

Rheumatology Pearls in Systemic Sclerosis

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 1885 comments: 0

Learning objectives in the video: -to disitinguish primary from secondary Raynaud's phenomenon, -to recognise the clinical manifestations of systemic sclerosis (SSc), -to understand the indications...

Raynaud's Phenomenon (Reduced Blood Flow) of...

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 5042 comments: 0

This is a great demonstration as to what Raynaud's Phenomenon looks like. This reduction of blood flow to the tip of the finger causes pain, discomfort, loss of sensation, and possibly ulceration.

Cardiomyopathy Overview - Types (Dilated, Hypertrophic,...

views: 5807 comments: 0

Buy PDFs here: I design my own shirts please support :) "Cardiomyopathies are diseases of the heart muscle tissue. Cardiomyopathies represent a heterogeneous group of diseases...

Normal RBC Physiology (Including Erythropoiesis)

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 5383 comments: 0

An overview of the structure, function, formation/maturation (i.e. erythropoiesis), and removal of red blood cells, including the distinction between reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes. A related...

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