
Adenocarcinoma adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy Histopathology hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case TUMOR ulcer varices
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Multiple Rectal Ulcers (62 of 110)

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Extensive Pseudopolyposis At section there were islands or pseudopolyps of mucosa, red dark, a lot with ulceration and perforation at the level of the transverse colon (sutures site) at the cecum...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (61 of 110)

views: 2270 comments: 0

Download the video clip by clicking on the image

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (60 of 110)

views: 2294 comments: 0

The treatment of ulcerative colitis in both the acute and chronic phases of the disease is rather difficult. There is uniform agreement that these patients should be treated medically as long as they...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (59 of 110)

views: 2477 comments: 0

The ileocecal valve with a portion of terminal ileum that is not involved. Ulcerative colitis is confined to the large bowel although up to 30 cm of terminal ileum can be involved with “backwash ileitis”...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (58 of 110)

views: 2174 comments: 0

The ileocecal valve has been opened, being observed some centimeters of the terminal ileum.

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (57 of 110)

views: 2288 comments: 0

The Cecum Rapid development of ulcerative colitis with pseudopolyposis in the ascending colon and cecum There are multiple ulcers and pseudopolyps that was not seen in the colonoscopy performed...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (56 of 110)

views: 2212 comments: 0

We continue with the cut of the surgical piece The most widely used criteria for the clinical diagnosis of toxic megacolon are: Radiographic evidence of colonic distension PLUS at least three of the...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (55 of 110)

views: 2455 comments: 0

The cut of the surgical piece begins. Surgical intervention with colectomy is indicated in patients who are intractable to medical therapy and for those with massive hemorrhage, colonic perforation,...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (54 of 110)

views: 2500 comments: 0

Gross Description: Colon of 95 cm with 8 cm of diameter at the level of the cecum, 6 cm. in the transverse and descending colon 5 cm. in their averages diameters. At the level of transverse mesocolon...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (50 of 110)

views: 2478 comments: 0

Suturing to be avoided major contamination during the surgery.

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (49 of 110)

views: 2405 comments: 0

Image and video clip where is observed the perforation in the transverse colon Perforation and toxic megacolon are the most dreaded complications of UC. Perforation can occur in the presence of fulminating...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (48 of 110)

views: 2235 comments: 0

Although many CT findings in ulcerative colitis are striking, they are not considered specific. Some features do suggest a diagnosis of IBD, and specific features may indicate a single diagnosis of...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (47 of 110)

views: 2342 comments: 0

Video Endoscopic Sequence

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (25 of 110)

views: 2339 comments: 0

Rectal ulcers, the colonoscope has returned to the rectum

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