The Needles of Monarc
For the Continuing Medical Education project. Video for the educational channel, with a brief explanation, showing us the anatomical place where the monarc needles are inserted. Monarc Sling Tape is a...
Use of Quill® Barbed Suture in Robot-Assisted...
RARD using Quill bi - and unidirectional barbed sutures to perform Santorini Plexus, posterior reconstruction and UVA in an asymptomatic 63-years old man, with no previous history of abdominal surgery,...
Urethral Sling Surgery with the Monarc Technique
Urethral sling surgery, also called mesourethral sling surgery, is performed to treat urinary incontinence. A sling is placed around the urethra to lift it to its normal position and put pressure on the...
Description of the Flexible Cystoscope
Cystoscopy, urethrocystoscopy or cystourethroscopy, is a diagnostic test that serves to directly visualize the urethra, the bladder neck (lower part of the bladder), and the inside of the bladder through...
Urethral Dilatation
Urethral dilation is a medical procedure used to widen the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine out of the body from the bladder. This is usually done to treat a condition called urethral stricture,...
Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP)...
Urologic surgeon, Dr. Vip Patel narrrates a step-by-step RARP procedure using various Quill Barbed Suture configurations. Watch and listen as Dr Patel narrates his technique through the following steps:...
Severe Hypospadias
Correction of severe hypospadias (perineal hypospadias ) by Dr. Ahmed Abdelmohsen from Egypt. This boy was born with female-like genitalia with a tiny penis that looks like a clitoris and a bifid scrotum...
Bladder Mass, Hemangioma, Rare of the Rarest
Video case: very rare case of bladder hemangioma removed microscopically. We had regular followup of this patient for 2 yr no recurrent found. Sumiran IVF &3D Laparoscopy center, Ahmadabad, Gujarat,...
Anatomy of Anterior Urethral Valve
Anterior urethral valve in a 6 yr old boy. The procedure of cystoscopy is showing the location and morphology of the valve. This is intended to to show the Pediatric Surgery trainees and help them identify...
Lecture 2 On Male Urethrogarphy
This video is meant to explain some fine details of technique of male urethrography to radiology and urology residents & nurses/technicians. With this education, they will be able to serve their patients...
Lecture 1 On Male Urethrography
This video is meant to explain some fine details of technique of male urethrography to radiology and urology residents & nurses/technicians. With this education, they will be able to serve their patients...
Holmium Laser Lithotripsy of Bladder Stone
This video shows a holmium laser lithotripsy of bladder stone. Female with exstrophy after reconstructive procedures of bladder, urethra, external genitalia.
Triphasic Technique for BNI in Females
This video shows an endourological technique for doing Bladder Neck Incision in an adult female. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cutting of Urethral Stricture - Technical Variations...
This video shows the variations in the operative technique that one may have to make as per the change in location of stricture. Video by Divakar Dalela.