Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP)...
Urologic surgeon, Dr. Vip Patel narrrates a step-by-step RARP procedure using various Quill Barbed Suture configurations. Watch and listen as Dr Patel narrates his technique through the following steps:...
Placement of Prophylactic Ureteral Catheter For...
Objective 1. Discuss the literature regarding ureteral injury and prophylactic ureteral catheter placement 2. Demonstrate a technique of ureteral catheter insertion: -Necessary Equipment -Equipment assembly...
Utility of Laparoscopy in the Placement of a...
In this video you can see the usefulness of laparoscopy in assisting for the correct placement of a Tenckhoff-type peritoneal dialysis catheter in a 50-year-old female with type V renal failure, through...
Changing the SPC Do's and Don'ts
This video is aimed to educate the medical and paramedical personals about what to do and what not to do while changing the old suprapubic catheter by a fresh one. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Technique of SPC in females
This video shows a minimally invasive technique for doing suprapubic catheterisation in females. Video by Dr. Divakar Dalela.
Catheterization Technique for the Urinary Bladder...
This animation demonstrates the clinical technique for catheterization of the urinary bladder of a female.
Suprapubic Catheter Placement
This video shows how to place a suprapubic catheter in a patient with severe urinary retention secondary to bladder outlet obstruction.
SPC Complications Late Post Procedural
This video is about late complications of suprapubic catheterisation, their diagnosis and also management. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
SPC Complications Early Post Procedural
This video explains in detail various complications that may happen after suprapubic catheterization. The emphasis is on how to diagnose and also how to manage them in time. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela....
SPC Complications Intraprocedural
This video explains in detail various complications that may happen during the operation of suprapubic catheterization. The emphasis is on how to diagnose and also how to manage them in time. Video...
Male Urethral Catheterization Indications and...
This video educates about various clinical indications and contraindications for passing a catheter in an adult male. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Problems Immediately After Urethral Catheterization
This video educates about various problems that can happen to the patient immediately after urethral catheterization and how can they be prevented and solved. Video by Divakar Dalela.
Problems Anytime After Urethral Catheterization
This video demonstrates various problems that may happen to the patient anytime after the urethral catheterization and how can they be prevented and solved. Video by Divakar Dalela.
Suprapubic Cystostomy Using a Pigtail Catheter
This video demonstrates the method to place a pigtail tube percutaneously in urinary bladder. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.