spinal cord compression

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Does Spinal Cord Compression Impact Hand Function?

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Cervical myelopathy, a neurological impairment caused by spinal cord compression in the cervical canal, leads to slow, progressive deterioration of neurologic function, often starting with changes in...

Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression

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Michael Mokawem - the webinar is about metastatic spinal cord compression, presented by Mr. Michael McEwen, a consultant spinal surgeon at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. - Metastatic spinal...

Cervical Laminectomy

views: 13888 comments: 4

This is a 5 level (C3-C7) cervical laminectomy I performed for severe spinal cord compression. The technique involves performing a trough with a high speed burr at the junction of the lamina and facet...

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