Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression

2 years ago

Case description

Michael Mokawem

- the webinar is about metastatic spinal cord compression, presented by Mr. Michael McEwen, a consultant spinal surgeon at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.

- Metastatic spinal cord compression is common and has become an important topic in orthopedic and spinal surgery.

- Some of the carcinomas that commonly spread to bone include breast, lung, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, and prostate.

- Patients with metastatic spinal cord compression are managed in a multidisciplinary setting, with communication between the oncology and spinal surgery services.

- The prognosis of patients is estimated based on a scoring system, with a higher score indicating a worse prognosis. Surgery has been shown to significantly improve walking longevity in these patients.

This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams : FRCS , European Board (FEBOT) , SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards

tags: FEBOT FRCS Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression Michael Mokawem SICOT spinal cord spinal cord compression spine

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