retrosigmoid approach

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Localizing Transverse and Sigmoid Sinuses

Alper Aydin

Specialty:  Neurosurgery
views: 1396 comments: 0

Clinical video case: preparing for retrosigmoid approach behind sigmoid sinus and below transverse sinus.

IAC Drilling for VS Resection

views: 759 comments: 1

Video case: retrosigmoid approach + IAC drilling for resection of VS. #abdulrazagAjlan

Large Vestibular Schwannoma, Retrosigmoid Approach,...

views: 5637 comments: 1

Left sided Large Vestibular Schwannoma, retrosigmoid approach, retractorless gross total resection. Facial nerve preservation. 

Left Vestibular Schwannoma, Retrosigmoid Approach

views: 4575 comments: 0

Video case: large left vestibular schwannoma. Retrosigmoid approach, gross total removal with facial nerve preservation.

Decompression of Hemifacial Spasm, Right Side,...

views: 11689 comments: 1

This is a typical case of right hemifacial spasm due to compression of both the root exit zone of the facial nerve and a distortion of its cisternal segment into the CPA. The video describes the approach,...

Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma) Removal...

views: 9332 comments: 1

This case summarizes the basic principle of the removal of an acoustic neuroma through a minimally invasive retrosigmoid approach. Demonstration of the access to the internal auditory canal, the use of...

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