radical hysterectomy

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Anatomy of the Pelvis with Surgical Assessment...

Mounir El-Hao

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 13344 comments: 0

This video shows surgical importance of avascular spaces of the pelvis. Each space is precisely descripted.  

Radical Hysterectomy Specimens

views: 5499 comments: 0

Video case: radical hysterectomy specimens. 

The Laparoscopic Type B Radical Hysterectomy...

views: 4608 comments: 0

The simple and reproducible tumor protective maneuver for laparoscopic radical hysterectomy is demonstrated in this video.

Endometriosis - TLH

views: 4154 comments: 0

Video: grade 4 endometriosis with frozen pelvis. Pan hysterectomy with recto vaginal and omentum nodules excision.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With Ureteral Stent...

Dr R K Mishra

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4839 comments: 0

This video shows a laparoscopic hysterectomy with ureteral stent placement. Objective jatrogenic ureteral injury during gynaecological surgery is associated with increased morbidity when not diagnosed...

Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy

views: 5903 comments: 0

This is a case of a 53 years old female with advanced cervical cancer (FIGO IIB) . Video by V.Yankov, NATIONAL ONCOLOGY HOSPITAL, Sofia, Bulgaria

Pelvic Neuro Anatomy and Nerve Sparing Radical...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5145 comments: 2

A perfect knowledge of the neuroanatomy of the pelvis, a good experience of gynecological oncological surgery in laparoscopy are mandatory to realize the NSRH in the treatment of cervical cancer at its...

Laparoscopic Management of External Iliac Vein...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4183 comments: 4

This video shows the laparoscopic management of incidental external iliac vein injury during radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer. The post-operative period was uneventful.

Unroofing of Ureter During C1 Radical Hysterectomy

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 3188 comments: 0

This video shows the technique for unroofing of the ureter in the cardinal ligament and the complete dissection of the anterior parametrium (vesico uterine ligament) , during C1 radical hysterectomy for...

Radical Hysterectomy and Ovarian Transposition...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4705 comments: 0

This video shows the laparoscopic bilateral ovarian transposition before radical hysterectomy for 1B1 cervical cancer in a young 36 years old woman. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique...

Ovarian Transposition During Radical Hysterectomy...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4428 comments: 0

This video shows the laparoscopic bilateral ovarian transposition in case of cervical cancer in young woman treated by radical hysterectomy. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale...

Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy with Paraaortic...

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 6743 comments: 1

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with paraaortic lymph node sampling for T1bNxM0 squamous cell cervical carcinoma. Full-time video without editing by Dr. Sergey Baydo

Laparoscopic Type C1 Radical Hysterectomy

views: 10179 comments: 5

This video shows laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (type C1). Video by Artem Stepanyan.

Radical Hysterectomy with Pelvic and Lumbar-aortic...

Marcin Misiek

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 7465 comments: 0

28years old patient without obstetric history in January 2013 had performed excision of cervical polyp. Histopathological diagnosis: Small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix. There was a 16mm...

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