Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy

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Rare Laparoscopic Surgery for Ovarian Ectopic...

Shahla Danaii

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 960 comments: 5

In this video, we showcase a rare and intricate laparoscopic surgery (which was done at Danamehr Fertility centre by dr. Shahla Danaii ) to remove an embryo implanted within the ovary, a unique case of...

Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy

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Laparscopic treatment of ovarian ectopic pregnancy which confirmed later with histopathology.   

Laparoscopic Management of Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy

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Laparoscopic surgery done in a case of ovarian ectopic pregnancy. A 36-yrs old lady presented with one month of amenorrhoea with irregular pv bleeding. Clinical examination and ultrasonography report...

Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy

views: 7798 comments: 0

Ovarian ectopic pregnancy can be managed by retaining the ovary in case with intact ovary.

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