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Unicuspid Aortic Valve via Right Anterior miniThoracotomy

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Unicuspid aortic valve via right anterior miniThoracotomy by Dmytro Babliak.  

Aortic Valve Replacement

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Right Anterior miniThoracotomy - aortic valve repair creating knots using a small knot-pusher device as an alternative to the traditional finger technique. Btw, we use 6 knots for every stitch - what...

AVR via Right Anterior miniThoracotomy

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Aortic valve replacement via right anterior minithoracotomy. This case involved a 55-year-old male patient with severe aortic stenosis, moderate-to-severe insufficiency, and a bicuspid aortic valve. After...

TCRAT-CABG + MV Replacement

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TCRAT-CABG + MV prosthesis via left anterior minithoracotomy. 67-year-old patient with a full metal jacket LAD and severe MV insufficiency with PL restriction. Procedure: LIMA to D1Ao to a. Radialis to...

Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery...

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Aortic valve separates the lumen of left ventricle and aorta, preventing the blood regurgitation from the aorta back to the heart. Diseases of the aortic valve, like rheumatic disease or endocarditis,...

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