
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Epiglottic Cyst - Right Side

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A cyst from the right side of epiglottis is visualized. The main patient's complaints are irritation of the throat and feeling 'something' upon swallowing.

Retained Q-Tip Cotton in The Ear Passage

views: 34046 comments: 0

This particular video presents a complication after usage of Q-tip in the presence of an ear polyp - cotton has retained in the deeper ear passage. Accidental detachment and lefting it behind may cause...

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