Fugo Plasma Blade

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Comparing Radio Cautery with Fugo Plasma Blade

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Fugo plasma blade is often quoted as a kind of electrolysis or radio cautery. This is not true. In this film we compare the cutting qualities of radio cautery and Fugo plasma blade. The difference is...

Fugo Plasma Blade - Basics and Some Applications

views: 5766 comments: 0

Fugo plasma blade produces laser like plasma on the tip of a filament that has unique cutting properties that can revolutionise eye surgery in every speciality. This film shows the investigations of David...

Recession of Superior Rectus Using Fugo Plasma...

views: 1674 comments: 0

In this Singh recession, the muscle is not detached from its insertion. A block the muscle is removed without removing the muscle fibres at the edges. This weakens the muscle. The surgery is bloodless....

Limbal nodule excision with use of the Fugo Blade

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Tissues are ablated on touch by the Fugo Plasma Blade. Under local anaesthesia, the tubercle is cut at bordery, elevated and removed. The tissues are not charred as takes place during radiocautery.

Symblephron - surgery with use of Fugo Plasma...

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Because of lime burn is developed symblepharon. The Symblepharon tissue is divided into 4 layers with use of Fugo Plasma Blade. Each layer is folded under the lids to produce fornices. The cornea shall...

Angiomatous lesions under the conjunctiva removing...

views: 4819 comments: 0

The ablation of the angiomatous lesions under the conjunctiva and over the episclera with use of Fugo Plasma Blade Nanotechnology. The conjunctiva is anflated with sodium hyaluronate and a 600 micron...

Cataract - plasma ablation

views: 8762 comments: 0

Plasma ablation cataract with use of Fugo Plasma Blade Technology, new nanotechnology in Eye Surgery

Conjunctival nevus erasing with the Fugo Blade

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It is simple to remove conjunctival nevus with Fugo Plasma Blade Technology. It is the true nanotechnology. The particles of the tissues absorb electromagnetic energy through resonance, they reach higher...

Fugo Plasma Ablation Surgery - new oportunities

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Dr Fugo presents the Fugo Plasma Blade Technology, which makes easlier the most difficult cataract cases such as total cataracts, Salzmann's Nodular Degeneration, Floppy Iris Syndrom, small pupils and...

Furgo Plasma Blade - non-penetrating surgrgical...

views: 5597 comments: 0

World-famous glaucoma specialist Dr Iqbal Ike; Ahmed shares with extremely excellent lecture on cutting edge glaucoma technology. Dr Ahmed rates surgical trabeculectomy and then procedes to be potentional...

Furgo Plasma Blade - non-penetrating surgrgical...

views: 4829 comments: 0

World-famous glaucoma specialist Dr Iqbal  Ike; Ahmed shares with extremely excellent lecture on cutting edge glaucoma technology. Dr Ahmed rates surgical trabeculectomy and then procedes to be potentional...

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