fugo blade

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Traumatic Posterior Capsule Rupture

views: 6769 comments: 0

If on slit lamp examination in such a case of traumatic cataract, the anterior capsule appears flat or concave, that is a sure shot sign of PC rupture. Dry aspiration is the trick. Oval rhexis helps in...

Excision of a Large Naevus Conjunctiva

views: 3764 comments: 0

6-years old patient with a rather large naevus close to the limbus, and parents fearing that it is growing. It is removed using a Fugo blade. Tenon capsule is kept intact during the process.

Blind Ugly Eye

views: 4921 comments: 0

A 16-year old boy with disfiguring after multiple operations for injury, asking for eye removal and fixing an artificial eye. I thought it could be managed without enucleation etc. I drained the staphyloma...

Fugo Blade for Glaucoma Surgery

views: 3088 comments: 0

A simple description of Fugo plasma blade and how it can be used to make filtration tracks for glaucoma. Also how important are the lymphatics for success of glaucoma surgery.

Microtrack Filtration for Glaucoma

views: 2472 comments: 0

Microtrack filtration for glaucoma, my latest movie. There is slight variation - mixing 200 micron Fugo blade tip and 100 micron tip. The surgery is very easy, atraumatic and offers high rate of success.

Excision of a Nodule on the Lid Margin

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 3589 comments: 0

Nodule of 6 months duration, needs clean excision for biopsy. Also we need to make sure that no part of the nodule is left behind. The surgery is done with Fugo blade.

Congenital Abnormality in Iris - Glaucoma - MTF

views: 3904 comments: 0

Bilateral anterior segment abnormality, one eye blind, other eye has glaucoma. There is corectopia and pull on the iris at the opposite limbus as well as deficiency of iris tissue. No need to perform...

Advanced Glaucoma a Variation of Filtration Surgery

views: 3704 comments: 0

The surgery starts with a 1 mm corneal incision in the cornea, the incision is stained with trypan blue, which acts as a guide, for microtracks made with 200 micron Fugo blade tips. The rest is usual...

Complicated Aphakic Glaucoma. Microtrack at 6...

views: 2634 comments: 0

A case of complicated aphakic glaucoma with abnormal incision line at upper limbus, iris incarceration etc. 2 MTF tracks made at lower limbus with 200 micron tip of Fugo blade,

MTF in Neovascular Glaucoma - Bleeding During...

views: 2238 comments: 0

PXIOL present. A case of neovascular glaucoma. Microtrack filtration 2 tracks with 200 micron Fugo blade tip. Oblique incision for entry in to the anterior chamber, 1.5 mm wide, through which iridectomy...

Juvenile Glaucoma - Microtrack Filtration

views: 2482 comments: 0

Microtrack filtration with Fugo blade has simple philosophy: Make filtration tracks, open sluice gates (iridectomy) and let the fluid move in to channels (lymphatics). Most efficient and effective filtration...

Double Dermolipoma of Conjunctiva - Aurgery with...

views: 8789 comments: 0

A double dermolipoma of conjunctiva is removed in a bloodless manner with Fugo plasma blade.

Naevus Over Canaliculus - Excision with Fugo...

views: 2682 comments: 1

A large naevus covering the punctum and the canaliculus is ablated with Fugo blade. Video by Daljit Singh MD

Singh Recession of Inferior Rectus Using Fugo...

views: 1626 comments: 0

For managing severe hypotropia, one step is weakening of the inferior rectus muscle. My technique removes a block of the muscle, without completely detaching the muscle from the insertion. The surgery...

Dermoid Limbus Ablation with Fugo Blade

views: 4389 comments: 0

A large limbal dermoid is wiped off with Fugo blade, without burning, without charring. Postoperative reaction is nil with Fugo blade surgery.

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