corneal limbus

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Transciliary Filtration - Year 2004

views: 4928 comments: 1

The film displays the technique of Singh transciliary filtration. First comes the detachment of conjunctiva from the corneal limbus. Next the surgeon makes a scleral pit in proximity of 1 mm to the limbus...

Dermoid of The Corneal Limbus - Ablation

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The video presents the ablation of a large dermoid, localized on the lower corneal limbus. The operator removes the dermoid almost completely with use of Fugo plasma blade. Burning and charring of the...

Dermoid of The Corneal Limbus - 1-Year-Old Child

views: 5588 comments: 0

The video presents the removal/ablation of a large corneal limbus dermoid with a Fugo blade. The dermoid is cleared out of the cornera, limbus and sclera. The operator brings the conjuctiva forward and...

Transciliary Filtration - Singh Method

views: 4213 comments: 0

The video serves as an istruction of performing transciliary filtration. First of all a mark is pointed at 1,5 mm from the corneal limbus. Next a track is made with a Fugo blade - 500 micron tip - into...

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