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Mehul Shah

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4894 comments: 0

This video displays capsulorhexis in difficult situation.

Plasma Blade Capsulotomy in Subluxated Cataract

views: 4078 comments: 0

Well managed case but not a very well finished case for the only reason that Endo capsuler ring should have been implanted to stabilise the capsular bag

Posterior Polar in a Child

views: 3503 comments: 0

Big capsulotomy done with Fugo blade, soft lens matter tapped out using viscoelastic, posterior rhexis done, IOL in the bag and a little bit of anterior vitrectomy

Fugo Plasma Blade - Basics and Some Applications

views: 5766 comments: 0

Fugo plasma blade produces laser like plasma on the tip of a filament that has unique cutting properties that can revolutionise eye surgery in every speciality. This film shows the investigations of David...

Preoperative And Postoperative Motion Results...

views: 3986 comments: 0

The video presents clinical case of the woman complaining for years due to a frozen shoulder. A pre- and postoperative assessment permits us to compare motion range before and after incision of the capsule.

Capsulotomy in a small eye with use of Fugo Blade...

views: 7693 comments: 0

This video shows capsulotomy surgery in the small eye with use of Fugo Blade Nanotechnology

Fugo Blade Nanotechnology - plasma ablation

views: 5918 comments: 0

Plasma ablation surgery with use of Fugo Plasma Blade Nanotechnology

Fugo Plasma Ablation Surgery - new oportunities

views: 4920 comments: 0

Dr Fugo presents the Fugo Plasma Blade Technology, which makes easlier the most difficult cataract cases such as total cataracts, Salzmann's Nodular Degeneration, Floppy Iris Syndrom, small pupils and...

Multiple contrentric capsulotymy - an almost...

views: 4365 comments: 0

Dr Fugo presents a almost impossible maneuver of creating multiple concentric capslulotomies to show the huge capability of plasma ablation surgery.This presents that surgeon is able to create or improve...


views: 6034 comments: 0

A transconjunctival tranciliary filtration is performed with Fugo Blade 300 micron totally activated tip. All pigment particles are removed from the anterior chamber. 0.025% MMC is appicated under the...

Fugo Plasma Capsulotomy: Stripping Cortex Peripherally...

views: 4882 comments: 0

A little anterior capsulotomy limbus often need that cortex is ragged from the centre towards the borderline, opposite to standard central stripping in capsulorexis procedure. This video presents an excellent...

Fugo Plasma Ablation - Repair of Posterior Capsule...

views: 8651 comments: 0

Fugo Plasma Ablation has developed a new innovative surgical strategy, helpful by inadvertent tear in the posterior capsule during cataract surgery. The tearing edge can be quickly ablated by a surgeon...

Fugo Plasma - Pearls of Blade Capsulotomy...New...

views: 8424 comments: 0

The Fugo Blade ablation is a innovative, special method to create an antherior capsulotomy, which can be confronted with capsulorhexis in many aspects. Although, Fugo Blade capsulotomy is more universal...

Fugo Blade - Transciliary filtration

views: 4549 comments: 0

The eyeball is stabilized with a suture. Towards the limbus is pushed the conjunctiva with a dull sapphire blade. 300 micron Fuge blade is forward to the posterior chamber, almost by the root of the iris....

Fugo Plasma Blade Ablation Capsulotomy - Nanotechnology...

views: 6350 comments: 0

The Fugo Blade ablation is a innovative, special method to create an antherior capsulotomy, which can be confronted with capsulorhexis in many cases. Although, Fugo Blade capsulotomy is more universal...

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