Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Mastering the FRCS Orth Exam - Expert Tips &...

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Mastering the FRCS orth exam - expert tips & advice.

A Personal FRCS Exam Experience

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Anwaar Kiani. The speaker is from the FRCS mentor group and is introducing a recent exam passer who will share his experience and tips on passing the exam. - The speaker emphasizes the importance of...

Fractures of the Acetabulum

views: 719 comments: 0

Walid El-Nahal - The talk is about acetabular fractures, which are complex fractures of the pelvis and acetabulum. - The speaker focuses on radiological assessment and classification of the fractures...

Acquired Flat Foot

views: 824 comments: 0

Manjunath Gopal - The session is about acquired flatfoot, which is a common topic in the FRCS exams. - The presentation will cover the anatomy of the tibialis posterior, the most common cause of acquired...

Tips & Tricks for the Viva(Oral) Component...

views: 1120 comments: 0

Dhamo Kamatchi - time management is crucial during the Viva component of the FRCS Exam. - Be flexible in adapting your approach to different patients and situations. - Focus on describing your actions...

Tips & Tricks for Orthopaedic FRCS Exam

views: 1380 comments: 0

Athar Siddiqui - the focus of the talk is last-minute preparation for the FRCS exam.  - The exam requires knowing the exam format, understanding the examiner's expectations, and being aware of oneself....

Spinal Infections

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Nicola Walsh - spine infections are a critical condition for the FRCS exam and represent 2-7% of all musculoskeletal infections. - The incidence of spine infections is increasing, and it affects males...

Major Trauma

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Athar Siddiqi - the presentation is about trauma and the importance of being knowledgeable in the field. - The speaker emphasizes the need to understand the examiner's expectations and adapt accordingly....

Intermediate Clinical Cases For Postgraduate...

views: 1368 comments: 0

This recording is taken from the FRCS Mock Exam Course . For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: Please follow us...

Trauma Case Discussions for Orthopaedic FRCS...

views: 804 comments: 0

Trauma case discussions for orthopaedic FRCS exams. Maged Elbalony. This lecture is part of a recorded course. For more similar videos , please go to For upcoming webinars...

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