endoscopic treatment

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Zenker Diverticulum. Endoscopic Treatment.

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Endoscopic treatment of a Zenker Divertiulum using a SB-Knife.

Impacted Stone at the Ampulla - Endoscopic Treatment

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Impacted stone at the ampulla is a common cause of acute suppurative cholangitis or acute biliary pancreatitis. Suppurative cholangitis is associated with a significantly high morbidity and mortality...

Endoscopic Treatment, Zenker Diverticulum

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This video presents a case of a 75 years old male, who suffered from dysphagia since 4 years. Gastroscopy and radiology found a zenker diverticulum.

Technical aspects of EUS-guided drainage of post-traumatic...

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This video shows us the technical aspects of a EUS-guided drainage of post-traumatic pancreatic pseudocyst. All steps are described. This is a patient who had cystic formation after subtotal pancreatectomy...

EUS-Guided Necrosectomy

views: 4873 comments: 1

This video demonstrates the EUS-Guided Necrosectomy technique and the use of a new device in a man of 54 y-old with acute biliary necrotizing pancreatitis. This patient evolved with poor general condition...

Endoscopic Treatment of Impacted Stone in the...

views: 7953 comments: 0

Man, 56 y-old with sudden onset abdominal pain in right upper quadrant associated with jaundice. Total bilirrubin 3x normal at the expense of direct bilirrubin. CT identified impacted stone in the CBD.

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