eLearning ENT

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis

Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis

views: 4846 comments: 0

The left hypoglossal nerve of this patient was damaged in an accident. There is atrophy of the muscle bulk on the left side of the tongue and when the patient protrudes the tongue it deviates to the left...

Tongue Tie

Tongue Tie

views: 2763 comments: 0

The frenulum the tongue in this patient is abnormally short, resulting in an inability to protrude the tongue anteriorly. This is referred to as an "tongue tie".

Submandibular Duct Stone

Submandibular Duct Stone

views: 4904 comments: 0

A submandibular ducts stone is composed principally of calcium phosphate and develops around debris that collects in the submandibular ducts. In this illustration, there is a terminal swelling within...

Left Antro-Choanal Polyp

Left Antro-Choanal Polyp

views: 1813 comments: 0

The majority of antral choanal polyps originate within the maxillary sinus and extend through the natural ostium into the nasal cavity growing posteriorly as seen here. The stalk of the polyp can be seen...

Serous Otitis Media pre-Valsalva

Serous Otitis Media pre-Valsalva

views: 2655 comments: 0

This is a typical case of serous otitis media which is the result of a persistent obstruction of the eustachian tube, which prevents air entering the middle ear. The air that is in the middle ear becomes...

Deep Self Cleansing Retraction Pocket

Deep Self Cleansing Retraction Pocket

views: 2503 comments: 0

Note the large posterior deep retraction pocket is right tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane has lost its fibrous middle air and has been retracted immediately to form a retraction pocket through...

Traumatic Perforation Left Tympanic Membrane

Traumatic Perforation Left Tympanic Membrane

views: 4975 comments: 0

There is a linear traumatic perforation in the six oclock position of this left tympanic membrane which was the result of an explosive blast.

Forign Body

Forign Body

views: 3410 comments: 2

Case: FB (fish bone) in Lt pyriform sinus.

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