Cystoscopy: Examine Badder
This video shows a systematic way of endoscopically examining the bladder. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cystoscopy: How to Advance the Cystoscope Through...
This video demonstrates the way to advance the cystoscope through the male urethra. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cystoscopy: Instruments
This video shows the instruments needed for basic work and the way to assemble them. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cystoscopy: Anaesthesia of Urethra
This video demonstrates the method to instill topical anesthetic agent in urethra. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cystoscopy: Position
This video shows how a patient should be positioned for cystoscopy. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Cystoscopy: Counselling and Consent
This video highlights as to what all must be told to the patient prior to the cystoscopy. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.
Urethroplasty: Positioning and Cystoscopic Assessment
This video explains details about patient"s positioning and draping for performing the end to end anastamotic urethroplasty.
Transurethral Incision of Bladder Neck
This video shows of technique of performing transurethral bladder neck incision in an adult male using bipolar button electrode.
Resection of Small Bladder Tumor
This video shows a resection of small bladder tumor. Author of video is Charles Chabert.
Large Bladder Tumour
This video shows an endoscopic view of bladder cancer. Author of video is Charles Chabert.
Bladder Tumor Removal
This video shows resection of bladder tumor during the cystoscopy. Author of video is Charles Chabert.
Cystoscopy Male Surgery
This animation shows the cystoscopy male surgery. Cystoscopy is a simple procedure during which your doctor will insert a well-lubricated, instrument called a cystoscope through your urethra and into...
Treatment of Vesico-vaginal Fistula Post Hysterectomy...
This type of fistula secondary to bladder injury during surgery or secondary necrosis extensive dissection. Cystoscopy can appreciate the position of the fistula and its relationship with the bladder...