Tariq Hakki

Tariq Hakki

Professional group
Fields of interest
Vascular Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Internal Medicine, Healthcare innovations, Clinical Oncology, Urology, Global Health
Urologist / Andrologist at Advanced Urology Institute of Georgia

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  • Videos 15
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Minimalist Invasive Penile Implant

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 7134 comments: 0

Dr Tariq Hakky demonstrates his Minimalist Invasive Penile Implant incision which is 1.3 cm the smallest documented incision for penile prosthesis use the Titan Classic Pump which offers a unique approach...

BPH - Urolift

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 2699 comments: 0

This material includes information about management of BPH with Urolift. Video by Dr Hakky who is a board certified fellowship trained Urologist in Atlanta.

Low Testosterone

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 2270 comments: 0

This material shows how Dr. Hakky discusses testosterone replacement therapy with patients.

Penile Implant Scrotal

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6764 comments: 0

Here Dr. Tariq Hakky demonstrates a scrotal approach to penile implant placement. Dr. Hakky performs penile implant surgery using Titan Penile implant via a minimally invasive scrotal approach.

Infected Penile Implant Revision Operation

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 1860 comments: 0

This video shows a revision of penile implant surgery on an actively infected penile implant which was placed before. The patient was seen and underwent revision penile implant surgery and has healed...

Extra-Large Penile Implant Using Subcoronal Approach

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 7505 comments: 0

Dr. Hakky performs extra-large penile implant surgery using a subcoronal approach.

Smallest Scrotal Titan Penile Implant Incision

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 3328 comments: 0

Dr. Tariq Hakky performs minimally invasive scrotal penile implant surgery using a staggering 1.7 cm horizontal incision. Here he also demonstrates a sweep technique in dissection and dartos pull for...

Inflatable Penile Implant - Penile Prosthesis Surgery

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 22104 comments: 0

This video presents the penoscrotal approach during placement of the AMS inflatable penile implant with ventral phalloplasty.

Peyronie's Disease Management - Dot Plication Surgical Management

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 7506 comments: 1

This video presents the dot plication technique in the management of Peyronie's Disease. Penile curve during erection can be surgically corrected using minimally invasive techniques as demonstrated...

Vasectomy Reversal - Vasovasostomy

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6403 comments: 1

This video shows a step by step surgical technique of vasectomy reversal. Video by Tariq Hakki.

Severe Peyronies Disease Curve Correction with Titan Penile Implant

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 3496 comments: 0

This video shows a severe Peyronies disease curve correction with the placement of Titan penile prosthesis and intraoperative molding and scratch technique in a subcorornal approach. Video by Dr. Tariq...

Bladder Botox Injection - Botox Flexible Cystoscopy Needle - OAB

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6595 comments: 0

This video presents the use of the flexible cystoscopy needle for Botox injection as management of overactive bladder. At Advanced Urology botox injection is using for patient who fail oral medications...

Ventral Phalloplasty - Penile Lengthening Surgery

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 13837 comments: 0

Ventral Phalloplasty performed with simultaneous penile prosthesis implant surgery. This procedure boasts a 97% satisfaction rate with 83% of patients reporting increased length by removing the excessive...

Robotic Ileovesicostomy - A Pure Robotic Approach

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 3047 comments: 0

This video presents a pure robotic ileovesicostomy performed at Tampa General Hospital By Dr. Alejandro R Rodguez MD & Dr. Philippe E. Spiess MD & Tariq S. Hakky MD.

RPLND With IVC Thrombectomy & Caval Resection - Testicular Cancer...

Tariq Hakki

Specialty:  Urology
views: 4752 comments: 0

This video shows retroperitoneal lymph node dissection with IVC thrombectomy and caval resection for metastatic germ cell tumor. Video by Philippe E. Spiess.

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