composite restoration
Tooth Restoration w/ Gap Closure
This is a video material of a clinical case - tooth restoration with gap closure.
Class II Composite Restoration With Hidden Decay
Direct dental composite restoration of a hidden cavity performed under microscope.
Class IV Composite Restoration
This video presents class IV composite restoration.
Re-Restoration of Tooth with a Broken Side and...
In this video i have shown the replacement of the old glass filling in a root canal treated tooth with the newer composite restorative material which are much better in every aspect than the old restorative...
Restoring Contact Point Using "Composite...
A easy way to restore proximal area using a light cure composite ball. 1. Apply the matrix2. Flowable composite on the proximal area - NO polymerize 3. Make a small composite ball outside the mouth and...
Proximal Matrix for Anterior Composite Reconstruction
In this video, the doctor demonstrates who to use proximal matrix for anterior composite restoration.
Improper Proximal Shape - Matrix Or...?
In this video, Doctor demonstrates some perspectives to take in consider when we adjust the metal matrix.
Mastering Composite Placement: 7 Tips for Perfect...
I hope these few tips will make a difference. The thumbnail is from a case where I burnished the matrix and sure enough - needed to use these interproximal sander things. If you're looking for a confidence...
Direct Composite With Omnichroma
In this video, dr Ali Almasoudi presents the case of a direct composite restoration with Omnichroma material.
How to Add Tint to A Composite Restoration
This video shows how to add tin to a compoosite restoration.
Class IV Freehand Using Tor VM Anterior Proximal...
This video presents freehand composite restoration of a class IV cavity.
Step By Step - Palatal Class III Composite Restoration
Dr Griya demonstrates a class III composite restoration.
Class 4 Composite (Part 1): Composite Layering...
In this video, the author demonstrates a layered class 4 composite.
Class 4 Composite (Part 2): Composite Polishing...
Last video we looked at how to layer a polychromatic class 4 restoration. Now in part 2 we talk through the polishing protocol and how to use some of our favourite polishing equipment.
C-factor In Composites - Class V - Part 3
This video is a part 3 of a 3 part guide on the meaning of C-factor in composite restorations.