Surgical Oncology images
Locally Advanced Breast Cancer with Right Breast...
Right mastectomy, after three years the patient presented with enlarged left breast associated with palpable mass, skin changes, retracted nipple and axillary LNs.
Subtotal Colectomy due to Rectosigmoid Obstruction
A female patient presented with an ileus. Patient after hysterectomy and bilateral adnexectomy because of endometrial cancer, with clear resection margins, procedure 2 years ago. She underwent colonoscopy...
Multivisceral Resection Specimen
Patient presented with ileus, the cause was on obstructing mass in sigmoid colon. Surgery was indicated, peroperatively invasion into the abdominal wall and small intestine. The procedure consisted od...
Atypical Lipomatous Tumor (Differentiated Liposarcoma)
Case of atypical lipomatous tumor also called as well differentiated liposarcoma. Present in the deeper intramuscular plane of forearm. Abutting flexor digitorum profundus tendons and median nerve and...
Atrial Resection for T4 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer...
Right lower lobectomy and left atrial resection without ECMO for T4 non small cell lung cancer. Cafarotti S, Patella M, Torre T Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale - Ticino, Switzerland
Atrial Resection for T4 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer...
Right lower lobectomy and left atrial resection for extended non small cell lung cancer without ECMO. Cafarotti S., Patella M., Torre T. Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale-Ticino, Switzerland
Precaval Right Renal Artery During Lymphadenectomy...
Precaval right renal artery during lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer.
Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection: step by... This is a educational step-by-step video of Laparoscopic Anterior Resection done for Cancer...
Fingering Left Breast Tumor
Huge fungating left breast mass proved to be malignant after histopathology and was already mets to liver and bones.
Ilya Gotsadze
MD, PhD.
Abdulhakim Omer Altamimi Al-Tamimi
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
Agnieszka Kołacińska
SMIT Congress
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Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons (SLS)
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Polish Society of Surgical Oncology
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Jan Cagaš
Stefano Cafarotti