Free Cardiology courses

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Congestive Heart Failure Explained via 3D Medical...

views: 4107 comments: 0

CHF or Congestive Heart Failure, a condition on continuos rise explained - Are lifestyle changes responsible for increase in cases of CHF? What are the main causes? Economic impact on health system?...

Approach to: Syncope

Anna Pickens

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2576 comments: 0

EM in 5 blog is a series of 5 minute Emergency Medicine lectures on high yield topics! Need a quick topic to review with your intern? Studying for a board exam? Got some time before the next patient is...

A Practical Approach to Grading Valvular Severity...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 593 comments: 0

Echo clinical video: a practical approach to grading valvular severity using transthoracic echo. Speaker: Dr. Christopher Olesovsky. Objectives: Review major indications for mitral and aortic valvular...

Echo Cases Potpourri - Contrast Edition

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 528 comments: 0

Echo Cases Potpourri - Contrast Edition. Date: Thursday, 29 August 2024. Speaker: Dr. Howard Leong-poi. Objectives: 1. Review echocardiographic cases of trauma patients. 2. Discuss types of traumatic...

Echocardiography and the Aorta: Fundamentals...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 887 comments: 0

Echocardiography and the Aorta: Fundamentals and Beyond. Date: 5 September 2024. Speaker: Dr. Sivisan Suntheralingam MD FRCPC, Cardiology Resident, University of Toronto. Objectives: 1. Review anatomy...

Frightening Findings: Spooky Recent Cases from...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 911 comments: 0

Frightening Findings: Spooky Recent Cases from the Echo Lab on Halloween. Date: Thursday, 31 Oct 2024. Speaker: Noah Lewis, Cardiology Resident, University of Toronto. Objectives: 1. Review unique cases...

Echocardiographic Quantification of the Left...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 427 comments: 0

Echocardiographic quantification of the left heart chambers. Date: Thursday, 07 Nov 2024. Speaker: Dr. Jeff Lam, Cardiology Resident, Queen's University 1. Review the guideline-based recommendations for...

Echocardiographic Assessment of Mechanical Valves

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 979 comments: 0

Echocardiographic assessment of mechanical valves. Date: 19 Sept 2024. Speaker: Dr. Meshal AlAnezi. Objectives: 1. Provide an overview of mechanical aortic and mitral valves echocardiographic assessment....

Traumatic Cardiac Injury: The St. Michael's...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 711 comments: 0

Traumatic Cardiac Injury: The St. Michael's Experience. Date: Thursday, 29 August 2024. Speaker: Dr. Howard Leong-poi. Objectives:  1 Review echocardiographic cases of trauma patients. 2.Discuss...

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 3264 comments: 0

Professor Abhiram Prasad elaborates the basic information about Takotsubo Syndrome.

Chordae Tendineae (Longer Version)

views: 3482 comments: 1

Ruptured or elongated chordae?

Severe Mitral Regurgitation After Acut Myocardial...

views: 4217 comments: 0

Left ventricular ejection and the ruptured or elongated chorda tendinea of the anterior mitral leaflet pull the leaflet toward the left ventricular cavity. This leaflet does not move (prolapse) into the...

Arrhythmic Storm or Electrical Storm

views: 4875 comments: 2

Female 77 years old with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by chronic heavy smoking and diabetes mellitus 2 newly diagnosed. Admitted with symptoms of myocardial infarction in the anterior,...

Periscope- Cardiac Event Monitor

views: 5714 comments: 0

The author of this video presents periscope- cardiac event monitor.

Rheumatic Heart Disease With Mild Mitral Leaflets...

maged al ali

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 5724 comments: 1

Rheumatic heart disease with mild leaflets fibrosis and mild limitation of the leaflets separation, without significant stenosis. Video by Maged Al Ali MD.

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