Free Cardiology courses
Pocket-Sized Ultrasound Leaded Incision Of The...
The video shows pocket-sized leaded pericardium incision in the ultrasound image technique.
Hypertrophic Myopathy Of The Heart Septum
In the video we can see hypertrophic myopathy of the heart septum in the ustrosound technique image.
Myopathy Of The Heart Due To Thyroid Insufficiency...
In the video you can see ultrasound technique image of the heart myopathy due to thyroid insufficiency.
Infective Endocardium Inflammation Due To Artificial...
The video presents ultrasound technique image of infective endocardium inflammation (after mitral valve prosthesis placement).
Myxoma Of The Left Atrial Compartment
This video shows myxoma of the left atrial compartment discovered thanks to the ultrasound technique.
Thrombus Of The Left Heart Compartment
In the video we can see thrombus of the left heart compartement discovered thanks to the ultrasound technique.
Metastasic Hepatical Tumor
The video clip shows metastatic hepatical tumor discovered thanks to ultrasound technique.
Aneurysm Of The Ventral Aorta
The video presents ultrasound technique image of the ventral aorta aneurysm.
Combined Shunt: Ostium Secundum asd And Muscular...
Large ostium secundum atrial septal defect and muscular ventricular septal defect in the same patient. TTE scanning from apical view.
Combined Shunt: Ostium Secundum asd And Perimembranous...
Ostium secundum atrial septal defect and perimembranous ventricular septal defect in the same patient. TTE apical view with scanning.
Infective Endocarditis: Vegetation On The Pulmonic...
Very rare localisation of the infective endocarditis. TTE parasternal short axis and subcostal views, show the vegetation on the pulmonic valve.
Infective Endocarditis: Large Vegetation On The...
This video presents infective endocarditis: large vegetation on the tricuspid valve. TTE apical view and mmode recording.
Infective Endocarditis On Mitral Stenosis 2
Infective endocarditis on mitral stenosis: stuck vegetation between the two leaflets of the mitral valve with eccentric mitral regurgitation and mild aortic regurgitation.
maged al ali
Georgios Chatziathanasiou
MD, PhD.
ECG Academy
commercial institution
Doctor Najeeb
medical institution
High Impact - Medical Animation
medical institution
Ultrasound images
commercial institution
SMIT Congress
medical institution
Chordal Rupture (2/2)
maged al ali
views: 10640