Bariatric surgery videos

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Gastric Twist After Sleeve Gastrectomy

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Currently, sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is the most performed bariatric procedure in the United States. Notwithstanding its proven safety, SG is related to a non-negligible risk of complications, including...

Intrathoracic Stomach in Paraesophageal Hiatal...

views: 2274 comments: 0

Laparoscopy plays a major role in the treatment of intrathoracic stomach and regarding most aspects of the treatment. All available techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision...

Surgical Technique of TachoSil® Application for...

views: 904 comments: 0

Procedrual video of key surgical technique of a bariatric patient with BMI of 44 with challenging leakage and oozing along the staple line of the greater curvature. Task to improve complication rate for...

Surgical Technique for TachoSil® Use in Bariatric...

views: 761 comments: 0

Surgical technique on a bariatric patient with BMI of 49 with comorbidities. After gastric pouch creation, creation of biliopancreatic limb, jejunojejunostomy creation and creation of gastrojejunostomy,...

One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass as Redo Surgery...

views: 2473 comments: 0

Considering the multitude of bariatric procedures performed all over the world, the necessity of revisional surgery increased accordingly. Several authors argued that with the great diffusion of sleeve...

Conversion of Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy to...

views: 2264 comments: 2

Bariatric surgery is an evolving science, and the perfect surgical intervention does not exist. Although the effectiveness of bariatric surgery is no longer questionable, recurrence of obesity remains...

Sleeve Gastrectomy with Proximal Transit Bipartition

views: 1136 comments: 2

Dr Sérgio Santoro devised the bipartition transit procedure with the aim of being a purely metabolic technique, stimulating the distal ileum early, causing satiety and controlling comorbidities associated...

How to Perform a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

views: 2790 comments: 1

The sleeve gastrectomy has become increasingly common in the last few years, yet it is still not technically standardized. Controversy exists over bougie size and pouch calibration, extent of antral resection,...

Mini-Gastric Bypass (MGB)

views: 1284 comments: 0

Clinical video case: 32 female with BMI 38. Demonstrating OAGB.

Staple Line Leak During Sleeve Gastrectomy

views: 3008 comments: 0

Surgical video case: a staple line leak is an internal leak or opening that can occur along any of the staple lines of a Roux En Y Gastric Bypass or a Sleeve Gastrectomy. The risk of developing a leak...

Laparoscopic One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass Plus...

views: 1343 comments: 0

Surgical video case: presentation of a 3 in 1 surgical procedure in a 38 y/ old male patient, weight 172 kg, BMI of 56.0. One anastomosis Gastric bypass, Hiatus hernia repair and Cholecystectomy were...

A Santoro Procedure

views: 1345 comments: 1

Surgical video case: Santoro procedure also called sleeve gastrectomy with transit bipartition performed by Dr. Marcos.

OAGB to RYGB Conversion

views: 3886 comments: 0

Surgical video case: a patient with OAGB and bioliary reflux is presented in this video. As there was efficient weight loss after the procedure, we performed the anastomosis 50 centimeters behind the...

ICG Anastomosis Check in a Revisional Roux-Y...

views: 3761 comments: 0

Surgical video case: in this short video we demonstrate the assuring anastomosis check after a conversion from gastric plication to Roux-Y gastric bypass. As the procedure is demanding, we prefer to perform...

SASI Procedure - Loop Bipartition with Sleeve...

views: 4201 comments: 0

SASİ Procedure for Type 2 Diabetes. Loop bipartition with sleeve gastrectomy.

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