Bariatric surgery publications
Chapter Post Sleeve Gastrectomy Leak (version...
Comprehensive article that covers all aspects of sleeve leakage, including risk factors, causes, pathology, presentation, investigations, possible preventive measures and curative approches (consevative,...
Use of TachoSil® in Bariatric Surgery for Sufficient...
Case report of a bariatric patient with BMI of 49 and comorbidities indicated for restrictive-malabsorptive procedure in lap. Roux-en Y gastric bypass. Use of TachoSil® demonstrating reduction in...
Use of TachoSil® in Bariatric Surgery for Sufficient...
Case report of a bariatric patient with BMI of 44 with challenging leakage and oozing along the staple line of the greater curvature. Task to improve complication rate for hemorrhage postoperatively and...
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using TachoSil®...
Bariatric surgery case: greater curvature staple line after sleeve gastrectomy being reinforced and air-/liquid tight sealed by means of TachoSil® sealant matrix. Clinical and economical outcomes...
MEDtube Science 2015 - Arterial supply of gastric...
General scheme of stomach arterial supply is well known and was repeatedly described but there are only few reports about gastric fundus arterial supply. The aim of the study is to describe the anatomy...
Shahram Nazari
Murat Üstün
ismail özgür kavak
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
Jan Cagaš
SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
medical institution
Corza TachoSil Quill
commercial institution
Gastroenterology Atlas
medical institution
Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA)
medical institution
Palo Alto Center
medical institution
Recently active users
Corza TachoSil Quill
commercial institution
Ibrahim Galal