All specialties videos

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Muscle Injections

Specialty:  Physiotherapy
views: 1491 comments: 0

Have you ever considered using local anesthesia to treat muscle pain? I mean you inject local into the mouth all the time so consider trying it on muscle too. In this video, Dr. Bullock discusses muscle...

Tips And Tricks For Dark Tooth Bleaching

views: 1380 comments: 0

Trauma is a very common incident in young teenagers and the main cause of pulp canal obliteration and resorptive lesions. A frequent clinical manifestation is the presence of a dark tooth. Join this webinar...

Dental Photography Basics - Dental Photography...

Specialty:  Other
views: 1414 comments: 0

It's time to take some photographs. But how? In this video, we look at dental photography techniques. First, we will focus on the extra-oral photographs. Dr. B walks you through his entire process of...

Endo Instrumentation Tray

views: 1242 comments: 0

In this video, dr Steven T. Cutbirth discusses the contents of the endo instrumentation tray.

Oral Surgery Instrumentation

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1799 comments: 0

In this video, dr Steven T. Cutbirth discusses instrumentation used in oral surgery.

Composite Instrumentation Tray

views: 1307 comments: 0

In this video, dr Steven T. Cutbirth explains what a typical composite instrumentation tray contains.

Five Things You Should Know About Ceramic Veneers

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 1225 comments: 0

In this video, Dr. Richard Stevenson discusses the five most critical things to know about porcelain (ceramic) veneers before you decide to have them done on yourself! Learn the science behind veneers...

Shell Temporary Crowns with Basil Mizrahi

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 1208 comments: 0

Dr. Basil Mizrahi teaches us the indications and technique for Shell Crowns, how to reline them and to remarginate them, plus all the nuances of working with Shell crowns in fixed prosthodontics. 4:01...

Post TAVI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention:...

SMIT Congress

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1641 comments: 0

Title: "Post TAVI percutaneous coronary intervention: toward new recommendations". Author: Helene Clogenson. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced by...

Vena Cava Repair During Retroperitoneoscopic...

views: 3773 comments: 3

During right partial or radical nephrectomy the vena cava can be damaged. The laparoscopic approach offers great advantages for the patient with lower blood loss, pain and hospital stay, but on the other...

Bladder Stone Lithotripsy with Pulsed Thulium...

views: 3542 comments: 0

Bladder stones endoscopic treatment may be time consuming depending on the available source  of lithotripsy. In this video we used the a hybrid Thulium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet laser (Tm:YAG) in the...

Catheterbased Valvular Interventions - Are They...

SMIT Congress

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1202 comments: 0

Presentation title: "Catheterbased valvular interventions - are they taking over for surgery?" Author: Gry Dahle. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced...

Upper Wisdom Tooth Extraction/Removal (Full Case...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1565 comments: 2

In this video it is shown how to extract an upper wisdom tooth that was causing the patient a toothache and problems. You will learn tips and tricks on how to remove the tooth, and as a patient, you will...


views: 1023 comments: 0

Curing lights are used daily in dentistry! Unfortunately, their use often lacks attention to detail, and the only thing that suffers from these oversights is the dental restoration. In this video, Dr...

Mastering the Handpiece

Specialty:  Other
views: 1251 comments: 0

This video is about Mastering the Handpiece. Video by Stevenson Dental Solutions.

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