All specialties videos

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Creating Ideal Smile with Gum Surgery & Veneers

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 563 comments: 0

Dr Cutbirth presents his clinical case of a smile makeover with periodontal surgery and veneers cementation.

Full Mouth Reconstruction with Sinus Lifts &...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 551 comments: 0

Dr Steven T. Cutbirth demonstrates his clinical case of full mouth reconstruction with sinus lifts and implants.

Tips And Tricks To Deliver Two Ceramic Overlays...

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 716 comments: 0

Tips and tricks to deliver two overlays at the same time with rubber dam: ✅ precise preparations so the overlay will fit properly "locked" in this position. ✅ contact points properly contoured and adjusted...

Direct And Indirect Restorations In The Same...

views: 660 comments: 0

This material demonstrates overlay cementation and class 2 composites performed in the same session - true quadrant dentistry.

6 Types of Suturing Techniques | Tips And Tricks

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1139 comments: 0

In this video we are going to learn suturing techniques in oral surgery 0:00 Intro 0:29 Instruments required for suturing 01:51 Different types of grips 03:01 Interrupted sutures 04:39 Continuous simple...

Oral manifestations of HIV/AIDS | Oral Medicine

Specialty:  Other
views: 1625 comments: 0

This video presents and characterizes oral manifestations of HIV and AIDS.

Step by Step Layering Composite I Simple Way

views: 739 comments: 0

In this video, dr Griya demonstrates composite restoration of a class I cavity.

Pulpotomy: The Ultimate Guide for Dental Students...

views: 494 comments: 0

Pulpotomy is the complete removal of the coronal portion of the dental pulp, followed by placement of a suitable dressing or medicament that will promote healing and preserve vitality of the tooth. The...

Apexogenesis and Apexification: Mastering Endodontic...

views: 2303 comments: 0

This video material is dedicated for dental students, who want to master their knowledge in apexogenesis and apexification.

Step By Step Layering Composite Endo - Resto...

views: 648 comments: 0

In this video, dr Griya presents composite restoration of an endo treated molar.

Tips and Trick Isolation With Rubberdam Lower...

views: 516 comments: 0

This video presents tips and tricks every dentist can use during rubberdam isolation.

Porcelain Veneers Procedure | Digital Design...

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 705 comments: 0

A veneer can be an incredible tool for those that want a beautiful smile makeover. Veneers can change the color, contour and shape of your teeth. Everyday, I get questions about veneers for teeth including:...

Pregnancy And Oral Health

Specialty:  Other
views: 275 comments: 0

We aim to reach each and everyone with the knowledge that we can impart to the benefit of all towards creating awareness and educating all on the importance of oral health and hygiene. The overall health...

Management Of General Emergencies By Dentist

Specialty:  Other
views: 216 comments: 0

We dentists are mainly considered as oro health experts but can also manage general emergencies with little presence of mind, good insight of knowledge on handling emergencies, and with prompt action...

Immediate Implant Placement After Tooth Extraction

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 387 comments: 0

The topic puts an emphasis on immediate implant placement after the tooth is extracted and not wait for 3 months or 6 months Objective: Due to busy lives and hectic schedules, patients in today’s time...

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