
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Colonoscopy: Cecum - Subtle Flat Lesion - Marking...

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A complex case of a subtle flat lesion located in the cecum. A video with author's commentary

Colonoscopy Channel - Identification of a Subtle...

views: 3768 comments: 0

Subtle lesions, as serrated adenomas are hard to find. It is vital to focus on the wall of the colon for subtle signs of vessel cut off; also, the injection of Indigo Carmine helps to define the lesion,...

Colonoscopy Channel - Colonoscopy Screening -...

views: 4218 comments: 0

Cap fitted colonoscope helps in the identification of lesions hiding behind folds. Here is an example of a subtle lesion hidden behind a fold that was detected by a cap fitted colonoscope.

Colonoscopy Channel - EMR of a Subtle Lesion...

views: 3293 comments: 0

Subtle flat lesions are hard to detect and hard to remove with simple snare resection. Hence, endoscopic mucosal resection is required to remove such lesions as shown here.

IC Valve - Subtle Lesion

views: 3498 comments: 0

Following video shows a subtle lesion, visible on an IC valve. The patient was referred for an EMR to remove the polyp.

Subtle Polyp - Cap Helps

views: 3137 comments: 0

The purpose of this video is to show, how the usage of cap helps to detect subtle polyps and lesions.

Transverse Colon - Subtle Lesion EMR

views: 4680 comments: 0

Following video presents a screening colonoscopy performed in middle aged woman. A flat lesion was found in her transverse colon. EMR was done after 5 ml of Indigo Carmine injection, followed by 10 mm...

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