Distal Bile Duct Lesion Diagnosis and Treatment...
A case of a gentlemen presenting with cholangitis, jaundice, cholestasis with suspected obstruction at the level of papilla of Vater. Diagnosis and treatment including EUS and ERCP.
Prone PCNL Without Inserting Ureteral Catheter...
Standard prone PCNL technique involves two steps: placing a ureteral catheter and then flipping the patient back to a prone position. However, many authors have reported that the step of placing...
RIRS with Laser Lithotripsy of Obstructing Stone...
In this case you will see RIRS with laser lithotripsy of obstructing stone of lower moeity in bifid pelvis.
Laparoscopic Cystolithotomy
This video shows laparoscopic removal of a large stone from the urinary bladder. The procedure is an alternative method to open cystolithotomy and places where the endourologic facilities are not available.
Impacted Stone at the Ampulla - Endoscopic Treatment
Impacted stone at the ampulla is a common cause of acute suppurative cholangitis or acute biliary pancreatitis. Suppurative cholangitis is associated with a significantly high morbidity and mortality...
UreteroNephro-Lithotripsy Part 2
This video presents the continuation of the procedure in the Uretero-Lithotripsy part 1. The stone is lost into the kidney. Then the Flexible UreteroNephroscope is employed together with a 150nm Holmum...
Uretero-Lithotripsy Part 1
This video presents the attempt to fragment a stone situated in the proximal ureter. The problem with such location consists of pushing the stone back into the kidney thus prematurely ending the procedure....
Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Large...
This video demonstrate Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Large Stone for Chronic Cholecystitis. Gallstone disease is very common, but the gallstone bigger than 5 cm in diameter is very rare....
Master Class on Laparoscopic CBD Exploration
This video is Master Class on Laparoscopic CBD Exploration. Video by Dr. R.K. Mishra.
RIRS. Stone Branched in Middle Communicating...
Long standing stone, projecting and stagging from one calyx and extending in intercalyceal communicating channel and projecting from adjacent calyx.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Video presents a case of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) performed by Dr. Oleg Shapiro, urology, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse New York, USA. 55 year old patient with a history of stones with...
Endoscopic Treatment of Impacted Stone in the...
Man, 56 y-old with sudden onset abdominal pain in right upper quadrant associated with jaundice. Total bilirrubin 3x normal at the expense of direct bilirrubin. CT identified impacted stone in the CBD.
Pancreatitis- endooscopic treatment
In 39- year- old man with acute pancreatitis US and CT, which gave normal results, were done. EUS revealed normal gallbladder and common bile duct stones. The patient was also submitted to endoscopic...