
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Antegrade Sphancterotomy with Catheter Dilation...

views: 2068 comments: 0

Clinical video case: laparoscopic antegrade sphincterotomy represents a new technique that expands the ability of the surgeon to manage complex choledocholithiasis at the time of laparoscopic cholecystectomy....

Microtrack Filtration in a Case of Traumatic...

views: 3653 comments: 0

A case of trauma accompanied by rupture of sphincter and dilatation of the pupil. There may be subluxation of the lens since the anterior chamber is deep. A 2 mm half thickness incision is made in the...

Artificial Sphincter Surgery in Male Incontinence

views: 15281 comments: 0

The film shows technique of implantation of an artificial sphincter (AMS 800) of the urethra. The device consists of three parts connected resistant to crushing tubes: cuff, pump and fluid reservoir....

Reconstruction Of The Sphincter After Robot-Assisted...

European Urology

Specialty:  Urology
views: 4189 comments: 0

Modified posterior reconstruction of the rhabdosphincter after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is presented in this material. Posterior rhabdosphincter reconstruction following radical prostatectomy...

Pseudoachalasia Dilation - Endoscopic Ultrasound...

views: 4849 comments: 0

Increased lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure is a nature of the achalasia - motor disorder of the esophagus. In that condition movement of the esophagus are practically absent, there is also no...

Post Fundoplication Endoscopic Examination (3...

views: 4589 comments: 0

Laparoscopic antireflux surgery is a minimally invasive approach to correct GERD. Most commonly a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is performed. In this procedure the weakened lower esophageal sphincter...

Balloon Removal (12 of 14)

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We continue negotiating with the upper esophagic sphincter

Endoscopic Balloon Removal (7 of 9)

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Continuous traction is maintained, we used a dilution of two buscopax diluted in 250 cc of solution which aid to relax the gastroesophagic sphincter.

Endoscopic Balloon Removal (6 of 9)

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In order to extract the globe effectively a consistent traction should be maintained while going through the inferior gastro esophageal sphincter, when you reach the upper esophageal sphincter you...

Gastroesophagic Varices - 66 - Year - Old Man...

views: 3760 comments: 0

The upper esophageal sphincter was found ulcerated due to Sengstaken-Blakemore tube which found it misplaced.

Superior Esophagic Sphincter (2 of 2 )

views: 1244 comments: 0

Hiatal Hernia retroflexed view. The video clip shows a retroflexed endoscopic maneuver all the way until the upper esophagic sphincter.

Superior Esophagic Sphincter (1 of 2 )

views: 1278 comments: 0

The video clip displays a complete retroflexed maneuver from the cardias to the upper esophagic sphincter, the video clip also shows a big hiatal hernia with reflux esophagitis. An endoscopist must...

Urethral sphincter simulator

Marcos Lyra

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6431 comments: 0

The video serves as demo of a new sphincter. Normal functioning of the urethral sphincter is presented on realistic simulator.

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