sleeve lobectomy

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Uniportal Robotic (URATS) Right Upper Sleeve...

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Surgical video case: uniportal robotic (URATS) right upper sleeve lobectomy.

Uniportal VATS Double Sleeve Lobectomy (Vascular...

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Uniportal VATS double sleeve lobectomy (vascular and bronchial anastomosis) is a challenging and complex procedure that should be performed only by expert thoracoscopic surgeons. It is a good alternative...

Right Bronchus Carcinoid Laser Fulgration

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Right main bronchus endobronchial carcinoid management with diaode laser fulguration and avoiding formal sleeve lobectomy.

Uniportal VATS Right Lower Sleeve Lobectomy

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In this video we show a case of a lung cancer with endobronchial lesion located at the entrance of dorsal bronchus of the lower lobe. We performed an Uniportal approach through a 4 cm incision at the...

Uniportal VATS Sleeve Lobectomy After Chemotherapy

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Artistic video at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital during a Complex Uniportal VATS sleeve lobectomy after induction chemotherapy.

Thoracoscopic Sleeve Lobectomy after Chemotherapy...

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In this video we show a complex RUL tumor resection and bronchial reconstruction by means of a Uniportal VATS sleeve technique. Since we developed the uniportal technique for VATS lobectomies in 2010...

Uniportal VATS Sleeve Lobectomy

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This video shows a case of a Carcinoid tumor located on the right upper lobe , at the entrance of RUL bronchus. An uniportal VATS approach was performed at the level of 5th intercostal space and a sleeve...

Single Port Sleeve Right Upper Lobectomy After...

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Lobectomy with sleeve bronchial resection is usually performed by thoracotomy but it can be performed by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Most of complex resections are described by using 2-4 incisions...

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