Uniportal VATS Right Lower Sleeve Lobectomy

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6 years ago
Thoracic Surgery

Case description

In this video we show a case of a lung cancer with endobronchial lesion located at the entrance of dorsal bronchus of the lower lobe. We performed an Uniportal approach through a 4 cm incision at the level of 4th intercostal space. The first step was to acomplish a complete and radical lymph node dissection. During the lobectomy we found the bronchus strongly attached by inflamatory lymph nodes to the artery so a carefully dissection was necessary. The patient underwent a right lower sleeve lobectomy with anastomosis of the intermedius bronchus to the middle lobe bronchus in order to avoid bilobectomy. The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful.

tags: sleeve lobectomy VATS

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