Severe acute otitis media

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Severe Acute Otitis Media with Infected Tympanic Membrane

Severe Acute Otitis Media with Infected Tympanic...

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In very severe cases of acute otitis media the infection in the middle ear may spread into the tympanic membrane resulting in what is essentially an acute tympanic membrane infection. When this happens...

Severe Acute Otitis Media

Severe Acute Otitis Media

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In this patient with severe acute otitis media the tympanic membrane is bulging laterally. Note the edematous keratin patches the surface of the tympanic membrane which indicate that the bacterial infection...

Severe Acute Otitis Media Left Ear

Severe Acute Otitis Media Left Ear

views: 2782 comments: 1

This patient has a severe acute otitis media in the left ear. Note bulging laterally of the tympanic membrane caused by the accumulating purulent debris in the middle ear. The inflammation has involved...

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