
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Gastric Varices - Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...

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Histoacryl was injected intravariceally. Histoacryl injection sclerotherapy is highly effective for the treatment of bleeding gastric varices, with rare complications occurring both acutely and long-term....

Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...

views: 3389 comments: 0

Hemostatic methods that use standard therapy for esophageal varices have not been found effective for gastric varices. Due to their large size and extensive distribution, it is difficult if not impossible...

Upper Gastrointestinal Tract - Bleeding (5 of...

views: 3045 comments: 0

The video clip displays the APC stopping the hemorrhage. Endoscopic variceal ligation is safer and more efficacious than sclerotherapy as initial treatment of bleeding esophageal varices, whereas...

Gastric Cancer - Sclerotherapy, Part 2

views: 2988 comments: 0

Endoscopic injection is widely used for the arrest of active ulcer bleeding and for prevention of re-bleeding from ulcers with visible vessels.

Gastric Cancer - Sclerotherapy, Part 1

views: 3288 comments: 0

Endoscopic injection treatment stops active bleeding and prevents further haemorrhage in most of these patients. The mechanism of action may include tamponade, vasoconstriction, sclerosis, tissue dehydration...

Gastric Cancer - Assessment of the Bleeding,...

views: 2963 comments: 0

Identify stigmata that connote a risk of recurrent or continued hemorrhage, and permit endoscopic therapy to reduce the risk of rebleeding.

Gastric Cancer - Severe Rebleeding, Part 2

views: 3083 comments: 0

Rebleeding or continued bleeding is associated with increased mortality; therefore, differentiating the patient with a low probability of rebleeding and little comorbidity from the patient at high...

Gastric Cancer - Severe Rebleeding, Part 1

views: 3353 comments: 0

3 days after the first episode of bleeding, patient began a life- threatening hemorrhage that was successful managed with sclerotherapy with absolute alcohol.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding Caused by Advanced...

views: 3163 comments: 0

Besides argon plasma we used hemostatic reinforcement with absolute alcohol injections.

Ligation of Esophageal Varices - Sclerotherapy

views: 4244 comments: 0

Due to the considerable amount of fibrous tissue surrounding the vessel, in spite of successful banding of the blood vessel, sclerotherapy was administered in the three upper paravariceal cuadrants,...

Severe Bleeding of the Upper Digestive System...

views: 3055 comments: 0

To stop the bleeding after argon plasma is used sclerotherapy is carry out

Severe Bleeding of the Upper Digestive System...

views: 3054 comments: 0

It continues to monitor the variceal bleeding caused after two days, after having placed the banding. At this time it was necessary to decide the next step which would place another band on this, sclerotherapy,...

Esophageal Ulcer - Post Sclerotherapy - Visualization...

views: 3913 comments: 0

Endoscopy of Post Sclerotherapy Esophageal Ulcer. Endoscopic ligation causes statistically fewer local complications than sclerotherapy and achieves variceal eradication more rapidly. Ligation is...

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