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Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Knee Dislocation and Multiligament Injury

views: 692 comments: 0

Knee Dislocation and Multiligament Injury by Srikanth Gandavaram. This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams : FRCS , European Board (FEBOT)...

Hamstring Injuries: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and...

views: 2910 comments: 0

The hamstrings, consisting of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus, are pivotal in knee flexion and hip extension. Injuries to their proximal end, especially in athletes, are common....

A Personal FRCS Exam Experience

views: 833 comments: 0

Anwaar Kiani. The speaker is from the FRCS mentor group and is introducing a recent exam passer who will share his experience and tips on passing the exam. - The speaker emphasizes the importance of...

Non-Union for Orthopaedic Exams

views: 1040 comments: 0

Shwan Henari - the presentation is about non-union in orthopedics and its approach. - The speaker advises not to panic and describes the importance of staying calm during exams. - The examination begins...

How to Read Orthopaedic X-Rays

views: 2899 comments: 1

Learn how to read orthopaedic X-rays with our comprehensive course! Approved by RCSEd for 12 CPD Points https://orthopaedicacademy.net/courses/orthopaedic-x-ray-interpretation-course/. In this course,...

Orthopaedic Genetics

views: 723 comments: 0

The transcript is about a lecture on orthopaedic genetics by Mr. Mahaluximavala, a consultant from Harlow. - The lecture covers topics such as disease patterns, classic genetic conditions, chromosomes,...


views: 584 comments: 0

Raghavendra Babu. Neurofibromatosis is a rare genetic condition that is commonly tested in medical exams. - It is an autosomal dominant disorder that affects all three germ layers, leading to various...

Orthopaedic X-Ray Interpretation Course

views: 1518 comments: 0

Orthopaedic X-Ray interpretation course. For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook ,Instagram , LinkedIn and Telegram Concise...

Reverse Shoulder Replacement (Part 1)

views: 688 comments: 0

Reverse Shoulder Replacement (Part 1). For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook ,Instagram LinkedIn and Telegram Concise Orthopaedic...

Paediatirc Orthopaedic Spotters for Orthopaedic...

views: 1937 comments: 0

This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams: FRCS, European Board (FEBOT), SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards. By Mark Latimer and Pranai Buddhdev.

Hot Topics for Spinal Surgery

views: 1313 comments: 0

Sandesh Lakkol presenting hot topics for spinal surgery. This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams: FRCS, European Board (FEBOT), SICOT...

Knee Mechanics Related to Knee Replacement

views: 2095 comments: 0

Abdul Waheed video presentation, knee mechanics related to knee replacement. For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook and Telegram

Online FRCS Course - Basic Sciences for Orthopaedic...

views: 1106 comments: 0

This video is a partial recording of one of our courses. To book on of our upcoming courses , please visit : https://orthopaedicacademy.co.uk/courses/ This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates...

Diagnosis of Swellings and Lumps in the Hand...

views: 2987 comments: 0

Teaching video: diagnosis of swellings and lumps in the hand & wrist. Medhat Zekry. For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook...

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