ophthalmology video case

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Ahmed-Schocket "Double Tunnel" Glaucoma...

views: 454 comments: 0

This video demonstrates the merger of the “double tunnel” Ahmed glaucoma procedure modified for a preexisting scleral buckle (Schocket procedure). The latest version of the Ahmed wound, the...

Microfiltration at 6 O'clock

views: 287 comments: 0

Micro filtration, sutureless glaucoma surgery at 6 o clock. Air bubble stays in the anterior chamber. AC remains formed.

Single Piece IOL Subluxation - Anterior Capsular...

views: 4474 comments: 1

Reposition of a single piece IOL subluxated, one month after uncomplicated phaco-IOL procedure. Would you have changed the lens or does it seem our approach to be correct?

Scleral Tunnel Cataract Surgery for RK Cornea

views: 1982 comments: 0

This video presents a scleral tunnel technique for cataract surgery. The cornea has 16 incision RK making the usual clear corneal tunnel impossible. This very old technique provides the needed access....

IOL Exchange with Open Capsule

views: 1946 comments: 0

This video demonstrates a technique for exchanging an IOL with a large posterior capsule opening. The lens had been implanted over 10 years ago and was no longer adequate due to changes in the eye status....

Vitreous Blocked Glaucoma Shunt Tube

views: 1594 comments: 2

This video demonstrates a technique to clear vitreous from a sulcus placed glaucoma shunt device. A previously working device suddenly failed and was suspected of vireous incarceration. Vitrectomy with...

Complex Cataract Surgery with Missing Zonule...

views: 1946 comments: 0

This video case demonstrates a complex cataract with surprise of missing zonules found during the case. Techniques to avoid complications and achieve a stable IOL implant are demonstrated, discussed and...

Glaucoma Microstent Inject Technique Improvement...

views: 2891 comments: 0

This video demonstrates a method to improve your injectable microstent success. Finding and placing the stents at the location of collector channels and shunt vessels provides direct feedback regarding...

Model 30 Pneumatonometer Unboxing And Setup,...

views: 1298 comments: 0

This video demonstrates unboxing and initial setup of the Model 30 pneumatonometer. It is the personal opinion of the author and is not supported or sponsored by any manufacturer. The author has no financial...

Cataract Surgery with Posterior Capsulorrhexis...

views: 2613 comments: 0

This video demonstrates a rescue technique to allow standard capsular bag IOL placement in the presence of a posterior capsule tear. The eye had prior glaucoma shunt surgery and despite thorough hydrodissection...

Glaucoma Implant

views: 1550 comments: 0

Surgical video case and technique: GDI implantation.

Glaucoma Shunt with Steroid injection for Uveitis

views: 2237 comments: 0

This video demonstrates an updated version of the "double tunnel" implant method for an Ahmed glaucoma shunt. The surgeon is sitting temporal for an infero-nasal shunt location. Modifications...

Dislocated IOL Exchange with Yamane Fixation,...

views: 2252 comments: 0

This is part 2 of a PXF eye with nonfunctioning dislocated IOL. This video demonstrates IOL insertion and Yamane method fixation. ©2023 Dan Eisenberg MD

Dislocated IOL Exchange with Yamane Fixation,...

views: 2289 comments: 0

This video presents a PXF eye with nonfunctioning dislocated IOL. A pars plana approach is used to position the lens into the anterior chamber followed by the "Twist and Out" method of lens...

New Glaucoma Microstent Implant Technique to...

views: 2704 comments: 2

Ophthalmology video case: this video demonstrates key features of placing an injectable glaucoma microstent into the temporal location of the eye. Strategies and methods for achieving success in accessing...

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