teaching video
Taking a History for Hip Conditions
Jeh Mahaluxmivala. This session is on how to take a history for hip conditions. - Participants are encouraged to participate in the session, and it will be interactive. - The session will include taking...
Hip Examination for Postgraduate Orthopaedic...
Jeh Mahaluxmivala - The video is about the hip examination for postgraduate orthopedic exams, part 1. - The instructor introduces himself and three other mentors to go through the basic system of examination...
Management of Valgus Knee
The webinar is about approaches to the valgus knee osteoarthritis. - Jikku Haniballis the presenter and is a specialist orthopedics working in Singapore. - The knee degenerative is a common topic that...
History and Examination of the Knee for Postgraduate...
Jeh Mahaluxmivala - The transcript is a discussion about a knee examination for postgraduate orthopedic exams. - The speaker discusses the importance of taking a systematic approach to history taking...
Avascular Necrosis
Hemanta Das - Avascular necrosis is a commonly asked topic in exams. - It primarily affects the femoral head, but can also occur in other parts of the body. - The main causes are idiopathic (40%),...
Viva & Clinical Case Discussions for Orthopaedic...
This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams : FRCS , European Board (FEBOT) , SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards For upcoming webinars and courses...
Real Time Assisted Vaginal Breech Delivery for...
Primi Breech in Assisted Vaginal Delivery. This instructional video offers a comprehensive guide for obstetricians on real-time assisted vaginal delivery during established labor of an undiagnosed...
Le Forte Colpocleisis (with voice over)
In this comprehensive surgical video, we guide you through the step-by-step procedure of colpocleisis, a highly effective surgical technique for addressing advanced uterine prolapse specially on medically...
Musculoskeletal Tumours
David Hughes - the speaker focuses on musculoskeletal tumors and provides advice for answering questions on the topic. - They emphasize the importance of relaxation and keeping answers simple. - The...
Cataract Surgery with Pseudoexfoliation
Teaching video case: cataract surgery with pseudoexfoliation (uncut edition).
Cataract Surgery with Glaucoma Microstent - Uncut...
This video shows all steps involved in doing a combined cataract surgery with glaucoma microstent. The video is narrated and completely uncut to show the exact steps and timing for each. This video is...
Difficult Lap Cholecystectomy
Surgical video case: difficult lap cholecystectomy done on 35/F patient with history of recurrent acute attacks in past. Intraoperatively dense adhesions found. This case was done at a district level...
EUS Guided Gastroenterostomy in a Patient with...
EU guided gastroenterostomy in a patient with ascites by Dr. Selcuk Disibeyaz.