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Dislocated IOL Exchange with Yamane Fixation,...

views: 2503 comments: 0

This video presents a PXF eye with nonfunctioning dislocated IOL. A pars plana approach is used to position the lens into the anterior chamber followed by the "Twist and Out" method of lens...

Cataract Surgery with Pseudoexfoliation

views: 3993 comments: 0

Teaching video case: cataract surgery with pseudoexfoliation (uncut edition). 

Cataract Surgery in an eye with Pseudoexfoliation...

views: 1185 comments: 0

Cataract Surgery in an eye with Pseudoexfoliation and Primary Angle Closure. Dr. Deepak Megur

Oasis Pupil Expansion Ring

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4201 comments: 1

Phaco with a small pupil from pseudoexfoliation is presented. A new device, the Oasis Pupil Expansion Ring, is employed to enlarge the pupil. Video by Jason Jones, MD.

Catalys Phaco With Toric IOL And Pseudoexfoliation

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4861 comments: 0

This patient with high astigmatism and pseudoexfoliation desired correction of the astigmatism during cataract surgery. During the Catalys procedure the capsulotomy size is adjusted because of less than...

Pseudoexfoliation: Small Pupil, Loose Zonules

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4553 comments: 3

Phacoemulsification of a moderate cataract in the setting of pseudoexfoliation. Poor dilation and lax zonules are encountered and managed. Video by Jason Jones.

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