Nasal Tumor

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Inverting Papilloma of the Sphenoid Sinus

Inverting Papilloma of the Sphenoid Sinus

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The irregular "polypoid" growth extending from the ostium of this left sphenoid sinus is an inverting papilloma. Courtesy of Professor Heinz Stammberger, University of Graz, Austria

Large Inverting Papilloma [Surgical Specimen]

Large Inverting Papilloma [Surgical Specimen]

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This is the surgical specimen of a large inverting papilloma which originated in the right nasal cavity and extended posteriorly through the nasopharynx into the left choana.

Large Inverting Papilloma Extending into Choana

Large Inverting Papilloma Extending into Choana

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This large inverting papilloma which originated in the right nasal cavity has extended posteriorly through the nasopharynx to enter the left posterior choana.

Inverting Papilloma Right Nasal Cavity A

Inverting Papilloma Right Nasal Cavity A

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This patient presented with a history of bilateral nasal obstruction. Endoscopic examination revealed an irregular polypoid mass arising from the right superior turbinate and extending anteriorly into...

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