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Granular Myringitis

Granular Myringitis

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Note the large mass of granulation tissue on the lateral surface of this right tympanic membrane.

Chronic Otitis Externa with Chronic Myringitis

Chronic Otitis Externa with Chronic Myringitis

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This is the case of untreated chronic otitis externa which has extended down to involve the lateral surface of this left tympanic membrane. Most of these cases are the result of an untreated chronic...

Bullous Myringitis Case 1

Bullous Myringitis Case 1

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Bullous myringitis is an infection of the outer epithelial layer of the tympanic membrane and of the deep pony external auditory canal, in which small, fluid-filled blisters form on the eardrum and sometimes...

Bullous Myringitis Blood Filled Bleb

Bullous Myringitis Blood Filled Bleb

views: 4041 comments: 0

Bullous myringitis is an infection of the outer epithelial layer of the tympanic membrane and of the deep pony external auditory canal, in which small, fluid-filled blisters form on the eardrum and sometimes...

Bullous Myringitis Case 2

Bullous Myringitis Case 2

views: 2270 comments: 0

Bullous myringitis is an infection of the outer epithelial layer of the tympanic membrane and of the deep pony external auditory canal, in which small, fluid-filled blisters form on the eardrum and sometimes...

Severe Bullous Myringitis

Severe Bullous Myringitis

views: 1624 comments: 3

This is a severe case of bullous myringitis in which the bullae have drained spontaneously. The entire surface of this right tympanic membrane seems to have been involved. In this case the initial presentation...

Bullous Myringitis Case 2 Drained

Bullous Myringitis Case 2 Drained

views: 1169 comments: 0

This is the same patient shown in case two in which the blood has been punctured and drained. Note the sub epithelial blood which has extended towards the central portion of this right tympanic membrane.

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