Mastoid abscess

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Mastoid Abscess

Mastoid Abscess

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There is postauricular swelling and the appearance of an abscess at the tip of the mastoid bone.

Mastoid Abscess Mastoidectomy

Mastoid Abscess Mastoidectomy

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The underlying cause of this patient's postauricular mastoid abscess is revealed as the mastoidectomy proceeds. There was a large cholesteatoma eroding into the mastoid has revealed by this white collection...

Mastoid Abscess Post Auricular Incision

Mastoid Abscess Post Auricular Incision

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This patient who presented with a postauricular swelling from a mastoid abscess is undergoing a mastoidectomy. The post auricular incision has been done and the fistulous track through the mastoid bone...

Mastoid Abscess

Mastoid Abscess

views: 1859 comments: 0

This patient has a large abscess behind the Pinna from acute mastoiditis. Mucopurulent material can be seen draining from a small incision into the abscess.

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