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CABG in Patient with LVEF 5 Percent and Completely...

views: 1347 comments: 6

Title: Successful Treatment of a Patient with Low LVEF and Complete Aortic Atherosclerosis Through CABG and Innominate Artery Proximal Anastomoses by Professor Sam Zeraatian Introduction: Heart disease...

Modified MVR in Patient with Small LA

views: 868 comments: 0

Surgical video case: modified MVR in small LA cavity and HF and low LVEF.

Patient with Huge LV Aneurysm And LV Clot Mobile...

views: 1587 comments: 0

Video case: patient with Low LVEF and and LV aneurysm and LV clot undergone LV aneurysm excision and clot.

A Practical Approach to Left Ventricular Ejection...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 3582 comments: 0

Echocardiography case: a practical approach to left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) by echocardiography.

Off Pump Emergency CABG in Patient with LAD Dissection...

views: 618 comments: 0

Surgical video case: coronary artery dissection is a rare but serious condition that involves a tear or separation in the layers of the coronary artery wall, which supplies blood to the heart muscle....

Patient with LVEF 5 Percent and LMTO and DM Candidate...

views: 1321 comments: 0

Clinical video case: patient with LVEF 5 without harsh usage of stabilizer undergone OP CABG without harsh rotation of the heart and fully stabilisation and first proximal anastomoses.

Redo CABG in Patient with LVEF 5 to 10 Percent...

views: 1419 comments: 0

Video case: patient with LVEF 5 to 10 percent and previous CABG undergone redo CABG.

Using Off Pump Technique for Very Low LVEF Patients...

views: 976 comments: 0

Video case: Zeraatiannejaddavani's Technique in off pump let you perform complex multiple cardiovascular surgeries including complete revascularisation as well as surgical ventricular restoration for...

Off Pump CABG and LV Aneurysm as well Free Wall...

views: 956 comments: 0

Usage of ascending aorta homograft for the first time in LV aneurysm management and free perforation for the first time in off pump surgery patt LVEF 5 percent.

Off Pump CABG in Patient with Very Very Low LVEF...

views: 1239 comments: 0

Cardiac surgery video case: off pump CABG without stabilizer.

Patient with Profound Low LVEF and Not Candidate...

views: 2082 comments: 0

Surgical Ventricular Restoration specially in patients who are not good candidate for transplantation due to co morbid diseases can simply undergo Surgical Ventricular Restoration. 

Calculation of Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction

views: 15963 comments: 0

You can try to calculate LVEF basing on echocardiography.

Simpson's Biplane Method for Accurate Assessment...

views: 28300 comments: 0

In this video will observe the process of measurement of LVEF by use of Simpson's Biplane Method.

Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF)

views: 10006 comments: 0

Author presents 3d echo lvef volume.

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