
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Posterior Polar Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5019 comments: 0

A technique of posterior polar cataract surgery is shown in this material.

IOL Replacement - Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 7208 comments: 0

A insertion of an intra-ocular lens implant in cataract surgery is perfectly visible on this particular video.

Cataract Surgery For Posterior Lenticonus

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4922 comments: 0

A technique of small incision in pediatric cataract surgery (lensectomy for posterior lenticonus) is a main topic of this video.

Glaucoma And Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5103 comments: 0

A technique of combined cataract surgery and glaucoma tube shunt using triamcinolone is explained in this clip. Procedure is performed as a verification of fluid outflow.

Horizontal Chop Technique In Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4464 comments: 0

The horizontal chop technique is explained in this clip.

Cataract Surgery - Corneal Incision

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5329 comments: 0

A technique of using a diamond knife to make a clear corneal incision is presented. Procedure was performed as a treatment for cataract.

IOL Insertion - Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5389 comments: 0

Video is a demonstration of a double camera view of insertion of an intra-ocular lens implant in cataract surgery.

IOL Insertion - Cataract Surgery

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5347 comments: 0

A technique of IOL insertion with both an anterior and posterior capsulorhexis is shown in this video.

Cataract Surgery - IOL Exchange

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5526 comments: 0

A technique of IOL exchange for cataract surgery patients is shown in this video.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataract (PSC) Surgery...

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 7004 comments: 0

A technique of performing a cataract surgery on a soft posterior subcapsular cataract PSC is clearly shown in this clip.

Cataract Surgery - Milky White Cataract

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 8213 comments: 0

A technique for performing cataract surgery on a milky white liquid cataract is explained in this clip. Method prevents the argentinian flag sign.

Cataract Surgery - No Cystotome Capsulorrhexis...

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4074 comments: 0

Video shows a part of cataract surgery - performing a capsulorrhexis using sharp-tipped forceps (no cystotome).

Cataract Surgery - Pediatric Patient

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4285 comments: 0

Video shows a technique for cataract surgery in children (pediatric cataracts). Posterior lenticonus was the main problem of the young patient. Condition caused deformity of the back surface of the human...

Cataract Surgery - IOL Exchange With Iris Repair

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4524 comments: 1

The medical history of this patient consist of prior cataract surgery including a damaged and dislocated IOL and loss of iris tissue. It causes the poor vision for the patient (20/200). This video explains...

Cataract Surgery Preceded By Vitrectomy

Uday Devgan

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5478 comments: 0

The medical history of this patient consist of a prior vitrectomy for problems in his retina, followed by pars plana vitrectomy surgery and development of a cataract. Surgical technique for cataract surgery...

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