internal hernia

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Laparoscopy for Strangulated Bowel Loop in the...

views: 1259 comments: 0

Laparoscopy should be sought more often when dealing with abdominal emergency cases. Major laparotomies are stil performed to treat simple problems such as bands of adhesion, perforated peptic ulcer or...

Minimally İnvasive Management of Strangulated...

views: 5015 comments: 4

Transomental hernia - rare (1%) type of internal herniation. Jejunal ischemia was resolved laparoscopically and a second-look was performed after 24 hours.

Laparoscopic Management of a Strangulated Internal...

views: 7696 comments: 4

This video is very unsual. Internal hernia underneath the external iliac artery. The herniated bowel presented a necrosis and needed a resection and anastomosis. In hernia defect was closed using a patch...

Laparoscopic Internal Hernia Repair and Closure...

views: 3336 comments: 0

Laparoscopic Internal Hernia Repair and Closure of Peterson's Defect due to Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) Angela Echeverria, MD, Bianca Zangeneh, MD, Ulises Garza, MD, Amit Kaul, MD, Carlos Galvani,...

Laparoscopic Repair of Strangulated Internal...

views: 4842 comments: 0

Presented by Melissa L. Desouza at the "SS12: Bariatric I - Complications" session during the SAGES 2019 Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD on Thursday, April 4, 2019. This was a peer-reviewed...

Misdiagnosis Of Internal Hernia In Pregnancy...

views: 3773 comments: 1

Laparoscopic management of small bowel obstruction in a 27 week pregnant woman,who had gastric bypass performed 12 months earlier. Video by Chloe C McAlister, John Hagen,

Laparoscopic Repair of Internal Hernia after...

views: 5793 comments: 0

This video presents laparoscopic repair of internal hernia after RYGB. Patient is a 35 year-old woman presented with an acute abdomen. She had a history of laparoscopic gastric bypass 6 years prior with...

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