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The Start of Gum Disease

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 4040 comments: 0

Gingivitis is a form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is inflammation and infection that destroys the tissues that support the teeth, including the gums, the periodontal ligaments, and the...

Sling Suturing Of Native Tissues - Gingival Grafting...

views: 7348 comments: 0

The material presents alloderm surgery #26-25-24; sling suturing of native tissues. The Reganato Lecture Series.

Graft Suturing Technique - Gingival Grafting...

views: 6230 comments: 0

In this video the author presents alloderm surgery #26-25-24; graft suturing technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.

Threading Technique - Gingival Grafting #26-25-24

views: 5424 comments: 0

In this video you can see alloderm surgery #26-25-24; alloderm threading technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.

Tunneling Technique - Gingival Grafting #26-25-24

views: 5892 comments: 3

This video shows alloderm surgery #26-25-24; tunneling technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.

What Is This Thing Called The Mucogingival Junction?

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Other
views: 4937 comments: 0

Why read a book to see what this thing called the mucogingival junction is?

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