Glaucoma Shunt

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Double Tunnel Glaucoma Shunt with Mitomycin C,...

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This video demonstrates a modification of the double tunnel glaucoma shunt procedure to accomodate changes in USA regulations regarding the use of mitomycin C in surgery. The mitomycin excess is injected...

Vitreous Blocked Glaucoma Shunt Tube

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This video demonstrates a technique to clear vitreous from a sulcus placed glaucoma shunt device. A previously working device suddenly failed and was suspected of vireous incarceration. Vitrectomy with...

Glaucoma Shunt with Steroid injection for Uveitis

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This video demonstrates an updated version of the "double tunnel" implant method for an Ahmed glaucoma shunt. The surgeon is sitting temporal for an infero-nasal shunt location. Modifications...

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