
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Risk Factors and Natural History of Bedside Percutaneous...

views: 283 comments: 0

Risk factors and natural history of bedside percutaneous endoscopic versus fluoroscopic guided gastrostomy tubes in intensive care unit patients. This talk was presented at the SS05: Acute Care Session...

Laparoscopic Resection of Huge Gastric GIST Tumor...

views: 2143 comments: 0

Surgical video case: gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare tumors of the GI tract. Surgical resection remains the mainstay of non-metastatic disease. However, the ability to provide an adequate...

Laparoscopic gastrostomy

views: 5338 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic gastrostomy. The patient had had inflammatory stricture of esophagus - the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) was unsuccessful. We had decided to perform laparoscopic...

Hepatico - Gastrostomy

views: 5391 comments: 0

70 years old male who had epigastric pain. Weight loss and jaundice. Ct-SCAN showed a pancreatic mass in the head of the pancreas. EUS-FNA: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Partnership with

Gastric Ulcer Following Gastrostomy Tube Removal

views: 6023 comments: 0

This video shows the normal healing gastric ulcer 2 weeks after gastrostomy tube removal.

Signet Ring Gastric Cancer of Remnant Stomach...

views: 7168 comments: 1

This video shows diffuse signet ring gastric cancer in the remnant stomach of a patient who had had a roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) many years previously and presented with a gastric outlet obstruction....

Stomach, Normal Post Surgical Anatomy, Depage-Janeway...

views: 7342 comments: 0

Stomach, Normal Post Surgical Anatomy, Depage-Janeway Gastrostomy

Prior Cyst Gastrostomy

views: 8097 comments: 1

This video shows the location of a former surgically created cyst gastrotomy for pancreatic pseudocyst. Suture foerign body and heaped up gastric tissue with an ulcer can be seen.

Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy For Pancreatic...

views: 13079 comments: 0

Pancreatic pseudocyst drainage is one of the best indications for laparoscopy, whether cyst gastrostomy or cyst jujenostomy. It is done by 3 ports approach .

Tube For Gastrostomy - Fixation

views: 8597 comments: 0

In results of many dysfunction (ex. neurological) the patient is not able to take food - then the gastrostomy tube is fixed. We have 2 general types of gastrostomy tubes - classic and the low profil....

Gastrostomy Tube in Low Profile Type

views: 6663 comments: 0

In results of many dysfunction (ex. neurological) the patient is not able to take food - then the gastrostomy tube is fixed. We have 2 general types of gastrostomy tubes - classic and the low profil....

Gastrostomy Granuloma - Laserotherapy

views: 9174 comments: 0

Granuloma of the external part is an usuall complication of the gastrostomy feeding tubes (PEG). Less eager to this are low profile tubes. Large granulomas may cause problem with feeding and even bleeding....

Jejunostomy Tube Location

views: 4895 comments: 0

The following video shows the endoscopic placement of jejunostomy tube in a patient with extensive hiatal hernia, that didn't let do fix the gastrostomy tube.

Gastrostomy Tube In Low Profile Type

views: 4346 comments: 0

In results of many dysfunction (ex. neurological) the patient is not able to take food - then the gastrostomy tube is fixed. We have 2 general types of gastrostomy tubes - classic and the low profile....

Percutaneous treatment of gastrostomy -EUS

views: 5191 comments: 0

The video presents technical aspects of a new percutaneous endoscopic ultrasonoghaphy. It is guided gastrostomy technique used on a patient in who the conventional percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy...

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